Devil May Cry 294 members · 37 stories
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Group Admin

For those of you (like myself) that does not have a PS5 or XBS X/S, the DLC for Devil May Cry 5 has finally dropped tonight! The DLC includes:

- Playable Vergil for the main game, Bloody Palace, and The Void
- A NEW final boss battle in the main game specifically for Vergil
- A few new unlockable concept art
- Bury the Light as an available battle track to select, along with four other unlockable battle tracks.

So, what are you waiting for? Go out there and GET MOTIVATED!

I will wait until I have a new powerful computer to run these high quality games.

Wait can we buy this for xbox one version?

Group Admin


Yes. It's available for PS4, XBOne and PC. This is NOT the Special Edition, which is exclusive to PS5 and XBS X/S

Oh fuck the hell yes.

Just bought it.

It was actually up at around 11 last night. But yeah, downloaded. I've been waiting for this. Had to do this because I don't have $500 to shell out for a PS5.

Group Admin

Same, but I also picked up the Special Edition physically for the PS5 as a sort of future investment... as well as a collector thing.

Got it last night and he’s so god damn cool! I love using Hell on Earth to nuke the shit out of demons. It’s so satisfying!

Group Admin

Awesome. As for me, I've been trying to practice Judgement Cut's "J-frames" so I can utilize it more effectively and more often, by playing Human Mode with an entirely blank Vergil (as in, no purchased skills), relying only on the base combo attacks and Judgement Cut.

Nice. I’ve nearly got all the skills. Just need the ex provocation and the bloody palace taunt. Just came off it and lost at King Cerberus. Need to practice my timing pjc.

Group Admin

Good luck to you then! And good hunting. Remember, there's nothing wrong with taking a step back and just playing keep away for a bit to look for a clear opening, over trying to go all in, especially when in a survival mode like Bloody Palace.

Also, there's "Warm Up" if you need to practice King Cerberus until you get his boss patterns down pat.

Yeah after ingraining Vergil’s playstyle into my hands I’ve forgotten that with King Cerberus you need to play a bit of keep away and before going in for a critical shot. Got stuck on Cavaliere Angelo, then managed to beat him again after doing ‘Warm Up’ on him about 7 times, before so it’s a definite improvement to be up by 30 floors.

Group Admin

Kinda funny that Cerberus hasn't changed much in terms of basic strategy, eh? Whether one is chained to the back wall, or loose in the arena, it mostly comes down to playing keep away.

Also, have you noticed that when King Cerberus goes to Ice mode, he stays pretty much in the center of the arena and hardly moves from that spot, unless he's about to undergo another mode change?

That part annoys me because of the amount of stuff you have to dodge although it is a good spot to unleash SDT Hell on Earth if you time it right.

I’m just going through the game doing the missions and I love how easy it is to keep S rank + with Vergil. So fun

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