Devil May Cry 294 members · 37 stories
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What was the moment that got you hooked to the Devil May Cry franchise?

I’ll happily explain mine;
Years ago when the ps2 was the best thing going and when you could rent games for up to a week. I picked up Devil May Cry 3 and thought ‘Why not? Looks fun.’

Had a blast playing it, even it kicked my butt for the first time, and when I sent it back I asked my mum if I could have the game for my birthday.

Birthday rolls around and she got me the special edition. When I saw that you could play as Vergil I thought; ‘Oh, you could play as the bad guy? Interesting.’

Booted the game up, chose to play as Vergil and then saw this;

My jaw was gone.

That intro scene alone sold me and playing as him, getting stronger and absolutely crushing demons was so satisfying.

And, I’ve been a fan ever since.

What about you?

The stage play scene between Dante and Agnes in DMC4. I remember a friend showing me the game and some of the cutscenes and that one stood out to me.

What got me into DMC was due to Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition for the PS2 many years ago, like in Kindergarten or 1st grade.
My mom's boyfriend got me that game during one of my visits to her.

I got so hooked onto that game and got interested on its design such as environments, music and demon designs and the weapons.
The story was great too. Vergil being really badass too and loved playing as him after beating the game.

Really such fond memories...

The reboot actually got me into it. About four years ago my mom bought me a Xbox 360 that came with a few games (most of which I can't remember) including the reboot. I hated the characterization (surprise) thought the story was meh at best, but loved the gameplay and the graphics. After that I found out it was a reboot and looked for the originals. Unfortunately by that time I'd already switched up to an Xbox one which it wasn't available for. I did get the first three when the special edition came out, and I also got five as well as an Xbox one version of the reboot. Been in love ever since.

The first Devil May Cry game I bought from Spain early 2000s, since I was a fan of Resident Evil series.

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