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Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1653556>>1653487 "guys?" I ask confused.

"shh... my love Me and Fade wish to do something special for you." I gently reach down and lift her up easily into my arms lightly cradling her. I kissed her deeply as I move around to the foot of the bed with Fade. I gently slide my hand down and firmly hold her bottom as turn her to face Fade and his impressive man hood. I lean back with my arm around Vicky's stomach to angle her beautiful legs out toward him. "We love you very much."

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1653633 I keep my arms hooked around Shutter's neck for support as I look between the two of you in confusion. Trusting you completely, my white silk covered legs remained open.1653556

I walk in between Vikinga's long, smooth, legs and ready my manhood for entry. I place one hand on on her thigh and the other lightly upon her cheek. I lean in slightly and land my lips on hers, my manhood slowly grinding against her folds. "Are you ready, love?" I ask sweetly.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1653691>>1653633 I nod rapidly. My body aching with every second it waited longer.

I braced myself preparing Fades entry into Vicky's moist folds.

With one fluid motion I enter Vikinga's womanhood. My hand slowly drifts down to her shoulder as I plunge a little deeper into her moist walls. A moan slips out between my lips as the sensation travels up and down my spine. I was inside her.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1653751>>1653725 I gasp as I feel Fade entering me quickly. Every vein every twitch every inch of it slipping inside of me. As all of this is happening I am looking up at Shutter guy with my mouth open invitingly, hoping, begging for his attention.

I slip my hand, that was on Vicky's stomach, up to her right ample breast and message it as I lean down to deeply kiss her. My moans are muffled as I take in her saliva. All the while I tenderly prod her sensitive anus with my member.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1653792>>1653751 I grunt appreciatively as I feel something shard poking against a unusual spot. "Shutter. Y-you've lubed that right?"

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1653792>>1653751 ((?))

((It's getting kinda late, and I think Shutter might have signed off for then night))

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1653959>>1653792 ?))

I lightly chuckle as I continue just prodding. "I don't intend to enter there my love."

Seeing Shutter playing with her breasts I decide to do the same. I lean in and bring my lips onto her soft bosom and slowly lick around her erect nipple as I continue to thrust in and out of her at a gradual pace as her walls close in on my member.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1655850>>1655766 My mouth is far to busy moaning to ask Shutter what he intends to do, and I'm forced to hold onto him and trust him as I slowly ride Fade's thrusting cock.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1655850>>1655766 ((?))

((It's Shutter's turn to reply...)) 1655766

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

((He might be at work now))

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1655850>>1655766 (())

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1655850>>1653792 I held back my moans for a moment and looked at you two, then the lotion next to me on the bed, then at Fade's hand, then at my ass, then at fade's hand again, then at Shutter's dick, and then at my ass again. Then I look at Fade's hand, the lotion, and Shutter's dick. AND THEN I looked at her you two's lips.

My mind flooded with the possibilities as Fade hilted in me again, lustful thoughts dominating every mental process.

Shutter continued to prod lightly as he slowly moved Vicky up and down with his arms. He timed her bouncing rhythm with fades. "Fade please grab the lotion... I think I know what our wife wants."

Shutter woke up remembering the night he first made love to his wife. Was it his wife? He could've sworn that she was. He looked down and saw that his wedding ring was missing. Shocked he looked around desperately to find it throwing pillows and knocking off random things off his night stand. A picture shattered as it fell with the other various items. Looking down he noticed something that felt disturbing. It was only him in the photograph. "Where's Vicky? Where's Fade?" Determined to find out what was going on, he stood up and marched to the living room discovering that he was no longer in his home. He was in some sort of one man apartment. "Vicky! Fade!" He called out hoping that he would receive an answer. "Vicky! Fade! Where are you?" He looked over and saw a person watching TV.

"Hey..." Shutter called out.

The head didn't turn.


The individual jumped with a shake. "Whoa man... no need to yell. What do you want?"

"Have you seen my family?"

The man simply laughed. "Dude you feel asleep drunk again, you don't remember your dad totally giving you the lecture about never finding a wife with your 'issues' he called them."

Shutter's eyes widened "W-what..."

"Dude are you daft... you were drunk... Just go get yourself a cup of Orange juice out of the fridge and everything will be okay."

"N-no! Everything will not be okay... Seriously where is my wife! And my Husband!"

The man shot him a look. "Do you know how stupid you sound right now..."

Shutter didn't answer him as he ran out the front door.

"Whatever man... Hey as soon you get your head out of your butthole, perhaps he could go hit up a bar!"

Shutter's mind raced and was a blur. Did he marry? Did he really just forget everything? Was this place even real? So many questions haunted him, but one still burned with an intense fire. "WHERE ARE YOU!" He screamed as he ran down the sidewalk lit up with streetlamps. Their warm glow twinkled and starred in his vision as tears ran down his burning red cheeks. "VICKY! FADE!" He slowed to a crawling walk as he sobbed. "Why can't it be real!? IT FELT SO REAL!" He fell to his knees. "WHY!?" He shouted to the heavens.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1704697 Vikinga groggily rose out of bed covered in sweat and... alone? Where was Fade and Shutter?! Where was she?! Looking about the room she realized exactly where she was. Home, her parents home.

Then the door creaked open. A man leaked his head in "Hone- shit!"

"Dad, FUCKING KNOCK!" She cried out at the rapidly exiting head as she ran to the door to close it. Where was Shutter and Fade?! Why was she living with her parents?!

This made no sense.


Fade reached out for his beloved wife and husband for comfort. Another night of nightmares, nothing too unusual, but something about them this time were more off putting... He haphazardly flailed his arms about in search of his lovers. "Vicky... Shutter?" He finally rose his head out of his pillow and finally saw just where he was. Home. Or at least what looked like his old home. "What the hell..." He scratched his head in befuddlement, everything looked exactly like it was when he left it so many years ago.

Same old 80's movie posters, same crummy action figures decked out on his book shelf. Everything was just how it was when he left it. He slipped off the side of his bed and onto the poorly made carpeting flat on his face. He looked up one more time in hopes the fall might have knocked him back to reality, but it it didn't. He scanned the room once more, looking for anything that might give him an indication as to what might have happened. Nothing. "B-but... It couldn't have..." He clenched his eyes shut as he sat in the middle of his old room. He tried banging his hands against his head, which only served to give him a minor headache. He sat there with his legs and head tucked into his body tucked in, tears beginning to form in the corners of his eyes. He didn't know what else to do.

Comment posted by Viking Hoof deleted Sep 8th, 2013
Viking Hoof
Group Admin


Vikinga got dressed and walked out of the room. She was trying her best not to freak out, but nostalgic sights and sounds were making that hard.

She wanted Fade and Shutter right now, but was that all a dream? There had been to much there to be a dream... surely?

The rain started to drizzle hard as he sat on the sidewalk with his head between his legs defeated. "I'm sorry Fade. I'm sorry Vicky. If you're even real." He looked up slightly to see a car drive by splashing him with muddy, oily water. He just sobbed as everything that he held dearest to him was gone from his once happy life.

Fade shook his head and got up off the floor. "I don't get it. How can that have all just been a dream?!" He yelled out at the walls of his room. He wanted to scream more, to throw or break something. He settled with just throwing on some clothes and heading outside. On his way out he checked the calender. Nothing wrong there, it was the day after... He rushed outside, ignoring the mail box filled to the brim with late bills and eviction notices. He stood out in the middle of his unkempt lawn and inspected his surroundings. His old neighborhood, his old car, his old everything, was just as he left it. What the hell was going on?

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1707200>>1707399 Vikinga walked out onto the porch. It wasn't bad or nasty. It never had been. The only mess in her life was herself.

She back here, living without a purpose again. Just wasting her life away, waiting.

She had been to cowardly to kill herself back the first time (she refused to believe all of that was a dream) but could she survive a second time around?

Shutter, completely soaked and miserable, made his way to the nearest food joint. Stepping in he heard nothing that he wished to hear. The only two voices that made any meaning to him. A waitress step up to him and in a soft voice asked, "How many in your party?"

"None... no one's coming... just me..." He said in a zombie like fashion.

"Sweetheart are you alright?" The waitress was concerned for him.

"No... I'm not. Do you serve any hard drinks here?" He absentmindedly asked.

"Um yeah, but do you think you should be drinking?"

"I... I don't care anymore... Just give me a table and the hardest thing you serve." Hopefully the alcohol will stop my pain and my heart. I'm nothing without them... and now I'll never be anything.

The waitress sighed in defeat and grabbed a menu as she directed him to a seat. After settling down on the cushioned chair, he threw his head against the table and began to bob up and down from silently crying. I hate my life, I hate who I've become, and I miss them! He screamed in his mind.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1711474>>1707399 Vikinga was hungry, she had a newly minted driver's license. Putting one and one together she got 2. She would eat a 2!!

"WHAT?!" Vikinga screeched as she jolted upright. She was in bed, with Fade and Shutter. Ohh thank Fantasi!

Wait, it looked like they were having bad dreams too. Vikinga softy shook one then the other, "guys?"

Shutter popped up and ran to the bathroom. Sounds of gagging were evident that he was puking out. The dream made him sick to his stomach. He wept in between gags.

Fade's eyes suddenly opened wide as his nightmare seemed to vanish around him. He was sweating profusely, and looked over to his wife and husband in sheer confusion. He remained speechless as he saw Shutter run off to the bathroom. He blinked, and blinked again. He thought this was real, but after that dream almost everything was thrown into question.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1712364>>1712214 Vikinga's dream hadn't been nearly as terrible's as the other twos and the looks in their eyes scared her. "Shutter, Fade, can we talk?"

((I gotta go... Goodnight :ajsleepy:))

1712719>>1713018 (Night)
Shutter was on the bathroom floor kneeling over the tub as he let the water hit his head. He shook from head to toe from his nightmare.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1713029>>1713018 ((let's have a serious discussion about what just happened tomorrow.))

Fade sat there on there edge of the bed, staring at nothing in particular. He slowly began registering Vicky's question, and nodded.

Shutter sat in the tub and was silent as the water hit his body. He still was wearing his white tank shirt and blue boxers.

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