Comments ( 203 )
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It's a drawing. I won't say of what, but it took me a while to make, and I'm not sure i like the way it turned out. But I made it for you.

I probably won't be able to show it to you until later in the day, but if you like it I can color it in GIMP.

I think I'm gonna go to sleep now... I'm awfully tired. :ajsleepy:

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1505782 I'm 100% sure I'll love it now!!

Thanks... you're really sweet, you know that? :pinkiesad2:

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1505796 I-I try to be here. In real life I'm just a callous wreck of a human.

Comment posted by F4D3 deleted Aug 13th, 2013
Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1505796 you don't have to delete comments. I told you what was in my comment didn't I?

To be honest I'm not much different from that, if not worse. But I guess that's why we're such good friends. :twilightsmile:

Alright, now I'm going to sleep! Goodnight! *kiss*

Viking Hoof
Group Admin
Comment posted by F4D3 deleted Aug 13th, 2013

I just saw your comment and had to change mine, all it said was goodnight, really. :twilightblush:

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1505847 good night! I think I like you.

Freakin double post!! :twilightangry2:


Do you still want your present?

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1509351 YES! But what was that whole council of the fade thing?


Can I get your email account so I can send your present to you?

Viking Hoof
Group Admin


It didn't look like nothing.

It was me being stupid, nothing else.

Also, the quality of the picture is pretty bad. I'll send you a better quality pic later, but I don't have my camera with me any more so it'll have to wait until later.

Did you get it? I know the picture itself is pretty dark and hard to see. I promise I'll get you a better pic of it later.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1509466 it's friggin perfect. You get a good photo if that and I'd put that as my freaking avatar.

I squeed at my own OC...

You really like it? :pinkiesad2:

Viking Hoof
Group Admin


I... Thanks... It means a lot to see you say that. I really didn't want to disappoint you. I honestly wasn't having a good day, but knowing you like my drawing makes it a little better. And feel free to use it as an avatar, once I get a better picture of it of course. :twilightsmile:

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1509646 h-how can I repay you!?

You don't need to do a thing... I... I just wanted to make you happy. :pinkiesad2:

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1509676 I would like to do something for you, but I'm so unsure what!

You just being here is enough. You're just so awesome and I wanted to show it some way, so I drew that for you.

By the way, you didn't read that Council thread did you?

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1509710 All I'm gonna say is that you didn't screw this up,

I'm sorry... I just saw what you and Shutter said about Dark Thoughts and it made me feel like I was doing everything wrong. And then I started thinking about all the other things I did wrong and it made me feel like neither of you needed me and I was just getting in the way or making things worse for everyone. And then I didn't know what to think, I was so confused and scared... I feel like I've done nothing but fail both you and Shutter... I'm sorry. For everything. :ajsleepy:

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1509771 me and shutter would only work with you to bring us together. Bringing DT back could be done with the reboot, and w-we could form a herd.

Why even keep me around then? Just be with Shutter. Forget that Dark, Red and Blue ever happened. There's no way I could do you two justice, and I'd end up just bringing you two down with me.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1509846 because me and Shutter like YOU! If you are so scared of screwing up, just ask me ahead of time for advice. Stop hating yourself, I like you.

it's more than just knowing to do... It's everything. You two are so much better at me at everything, I can't compete with you, and I can't allow myself to get in the way. It wouldn't be fair to either of you...

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1509919 *glomps* SHUT UP! I like you and that's final. If you don't like me, fine. If you do, then shut up about this leaving stuff. It's breaking my heart!

I don't want to hurt you... But I don't know what to do. I really like you, and that's what makes me feel you deserve better than me. I just wish I was something different, something better...

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1509985 you don't have to be for me. I'm not nearly as nice or kind as I seem on here. I'm a perverted little fuck up slowly matching himself into a dead end life.

That might be true, but I still care about you. I'm a terrible person irl, and it shows with how I treat others on this site. It took you to make me actually be nice to others, and I honestly don't know how to thank you.

And like I said before, nothing you say will ever make me think less of you. Try as you might, I'll always be here, I don't plan on leaving you anytime soon.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1510107 GOOD! W-what now?

I don't know... Gah! Why do I have to be so freakin petty?! :raritydespair:

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1510164 w-we could do NSFW stuff or rp or, talk.

I think I need to take some time to think... If you'd like we can still talk here, and I promise to get you a better pic of that drawing.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1510282 take as much as you need.

W-we can still talk if you want! I mean... If that's okay with you...

I won't be able to bet my camera back for at least another two hours anyways, and I'm still pretty hurt from everything that's happened so I doubt I'll RP for a while.

Are you sure you like the drawing? You're not just saying that to make me happy... Are you? :fluttercry:

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1510346 look at my :twilightsmile: then back at your drawing then back to my :twilightsmile:. I LOVE IT.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1510346 I'm sorry you are hurt, we could talk about that if you think it would help.

Comment posted by F4D3 deleted Aug 13th, 2013

We can talk about whatever you like. :twilightsmile:

Ignore comment deletion, I'm just happy you like it and don't hate me.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1510414 why would I hate u for drawing good drawing?

I-I don't know! Everything that was going on got me scared and I wasn't sure you wanted to be my friend anymore.

I was so paranoid I'd never be able to talk to you again, I just didn't know what to think. Every time you go off and do something without me I get more and more afraid you'll decide to get rid of me for someone better... I know it sounds unreasonable, and I need to get over it, but I really do care about you, and I can get rather defensive when other people talk about you.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1510477 *I lean in and softly stroke your hair* it's fine really! I'm not gonna leave you for something else. You really ought to trust me more.

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