Heroes and Allies: The War Room 103 members · 30 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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I found this complaint about Heroes and Allies on another forum.

Do any of y'all think it's valid?

The Gryphons and the other "Liberation" races are saying they're fighting for justice and stuff but they're just out for petty revenge for something that happened thousands of years ago that makes no sense. Seriously, why? Also, the Liberation races are all basically Mary-Sue and look down onto humans. To the few that actually see the humans as a threat they are either: a) immediately and absolutely pwned by them or b) kill them like its the easiest thing in the world. The weapons are about as high as ours in terms of tech. I think the author was trying to balence the races out, but its really unlikely, unrealistic, and improbable that the Gryphons and Pandragons and other dudes would have modern-tier technology, be afraid of our technology/look down on ours like its inferior, and then just utterly own us. Those that are scared of our technology kills us and our helicopters, tanks, etc. and those who look down on it/us also kill us/our stuffs.

I find it highly misanthropic that such 'inferior' (slight sarcasm) races can be so over powered.

If you ask me, the Liberation forces are supposed to be petty. From what I gather, they're stoking an old grudge just to rally the troops and conquer Equestria.

I agree that they are OP and should be nerfed though. Then again, if it's too unbalanced, it's not entertaining.

2065777 If they weren't so powerful, or at least something close to the level they are, earth forces would just dropkick them into next year. We've been fighting each other for centuries and we have almost perfected the art of war. They've been fighting for a month at the most and are just a ragtag coalition of states, it'd be a turkey shoot.

They need to be slightly OP.

(Also, you'd think a critic could use proper grammar and sentence construction.)

Group Admin

Honestly, I think the Liberation races are just as strong as they need to be. I mean, if they were weak, would the war have drawn out as long as it has? Nope, good ol' Uncle Sam would've given them a nice taste of, ahem, FREEDOM!, and be done with them. As for the technology argument, they have had an evil overlord watching over them. Who's to say he didn't play a part in it? And if every war just ended because of the fear of the other side's technology and weapons, there would have never been a single war fought past the crusades. There have always been those on both sides of a conflict that feared their enemies weapons. That just meant they fought harder or died faster.

And don't forget, this is a story. It has never ending possibilities. Especially since it's not complete yet.

Group Admin

I know I'm the author, so I probably be accused of being biased here, but I'd have to agree with the sentiment that if the Alliance wasn't threatening, there wouldn't be a point. Who wants to read about a bunch of aliens that were all defeated in twenty minutes by our clearly superior firepower? It's not really a war if only one side stands a chance to at winning. It had to be something that challenged us, made us realize that we could be beaten. That we weren't invincible. Only then is it a real war. Besides, as Roflnom stated, it's not over yet. There's so much more to be seen. But if there is ONE thing I am not, it's misanthropic. And you can tell them that.

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