Power Rangers Crossover Group 295 members · 133 stories
Comments ( 3 )
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Hey guys. How's it going?

Look, some of you will probably know what I am talking about and others not, so I'll cut to the chase:
I need someone that can proof-read/edit chapters of my story "Power Rangers: Guardians of Harmony". Also, progress on the next chapter have been next to nonexistent, which makes me really sorry that I haven't got anything new for you guys. Truth is, that I don't have any idea of how to write Slice of Life for a story like this one; so if any of you can help me with suggestions and what not, I'd really appreciate it.

For more info, check this blog I made a while ago: Link

Thank you for your patience.

May the Power protect you

This response may come really late, but are you still up to it?

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