Mormon Bronies 108 members · 233 stories
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All of the Above
Group Contributor

Whoa, I almost missed today. Sorry you guys for being late for this one. I have not real excuse for missing out. I guess I'm just lazy.

However, I do have a lesson for you today. Today in church, a teacher who recently moved in to our town gave a talk about counting your blessings. And I liked the idea, and then decided to do a lesson about it. So, let's say that you've had a really bad week. It feels like nothing is going your way. The girl you like is showing interest in your friend instead of you, your job has piled on a lot of extra hours, you haven't time to just sit down and indulge on yourself, your friends seem to be intentionally avoiding you, and school pressure is driving you up the wall. You feel pretty empty, and feel like nothing in the world is fair or just. Just me? Still, just play along. But then you start to realize something. The week is over, and you're sitting on your couch and watching some TV. Then a thought jumps into your head. "Hey," you think to yourself. "This is a pretty good TV show. I'm glad I'm watching it." A smile starts forming on your face. "And hey, if I didn't have this TV, I wouldn't be able to watch it." And then your start to think a little more. "This chair is comfy. And my house is warm, I have family that loves me, and I'm glad I know that girl, and I'm happy that she makes me feel the way that I feel. I'm glad she's happy.

"And you know what. The most important thing of all is that Heavenly Father knows and loves me. My life isn't bad at all."

For me, if I'm having some tough times, I always find it uplifting to count the blessings from Heavenly Father that I have. It makes me realize that things aren't so bad. It perks up my spirits, and keeps me from lurking in the dark side instead of cherishing the light side.

And since I'm bad with segues, imagine if all of that stuff just disappeared. You'll miss all that stuff, and wish that you would've cherished it more than you have when you still had it. I know all too well how that feels.

Life can be hard, but if we remember to count our blessings, then lowest times can instantly become brighter.


Group Admin

Just want to let you know that I appreciate these posts that you put up.

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