A For Effort 1,012 members · 280 stories
Comments ( 2 )
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Group Admin

After discussing the matter with my Sous-Chief Admin, we decided to implement a system to ensure that reviewers do their work. All reviewers (including admins such as myself) must review at least three stories a month. This rule has been added to the list of rules on the main page, and thus is punishable by demotion. Reviews will be tracked by myself personally, though I encourage you all to report slackers. Punishment shall be swift and unflinching, so do your jobs. I am off to do another review now.

Keep 'er goin'.

Group Admin

It should also be noted that is still counts if you have to fail a story's moderation (i.e If you reviewed three stories but none of them passed, you still meet your quota at the end of the month). :twilightsmile:

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