Tyrant Sparkle 1,406 members · 355 stories
Comments ( 7 )
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Hello, i am looking for a Collab Partner to aid me in a story endeavor that has always seem to get away with me every time i have tried to do this story.

Now the concept is simple. Science Twilight developed a Virtual Reality realm as a science project, however as the burdens of the real world begin to take their tole she begins to isolate herself in that reality and abuse her power over it.

If you are interested, a relatively good writer and someone who is both dependable, reliable but laid back please PM me if this concept sparks your interest. If not I apologize for bothering you and hope you have a good day.

so in short, she becomes dictator of a simulation she builds, sorta like the boss in saints row 4 with the simulation?


This sounds like an awesome idea, and I would love to read it. But I'm not so much a writer as I am an idea maker, but I hope you find someone to help you!

5284069 Um...I guess? I don't now anything of Saint Row 4 i was thinking more Digimon meets the Matrixs.

5284071 Well spread the word my friend and maybe it will happen quicker. Because honestly i've been trying to write this for months and it always goes up and then goes crashing down just to try again.

5284075 sounds like an interesting story, but i'm afraid i'm a terrible author in terms of content, planning, grammar, and my writing is boring, even when i try to make an action scene, plus my motivation is next to nothing. I wish you luck with finding a collab partner though, and would be intrested to read it when you are done

5284091 Thanks dude...Spread the word if you know anyone who'd be interested.

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