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Have you ever seen those "Draw It Again" challenges on Deviant Art? Well, I would assume that you aren't living under a rock and can tell where I'm going with this.

Well, a Draw It again challenge is a popular challenge among the Deviant artists. Basically, they see how much their artistic skills have improved by choosing a drawing from around the time they first started (or a really crappy one the want to try-again) and re-draw it. I find these challenges to be very interesting and kind of cool to see. It reminds you that the amazing artist of today, at one point, was a N00B.

Well, whilst I was sitting on my throne (or couch as you peasants call it) I thought, "You know, why can't we have a 'Write it again' challenge? It might be some serious fun (and not to mention the major ego boost) to take some old literary work and breath some life into it."

Here's where we get to the chase. If you would like to participate, please respond to the thread stating so and commence with the fun activity of delving into an old notebook or something and pulling out an old fic, poem, e.t.c.

Here's the most important thing though, don't forget to put up the original work alongside the "Re-vamped" edition. I would prefer that the work of your choosing not be terribly long (we all don't want to re-write a whole series, let alone read the original and the edited version). If there are any questions, please PM or ask in the comments.

Happy Nostalgia hunting! :pinkiecrazy:

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