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I'll get straight to the point.

Most fics I've read put the changeling society to a negative light. I see them often being one era back in technology, using feral and primal societal forms, corrupt to the bone governments e.t.c.

Generally I see changelings used as an excuse for people to go all "Darker and Edgier". While I am not necessarily against it I've grown bored of reading the casual "Changeling society is bad/hive mind oppression" fics that depict the ponies as saints in comparison and generally put the ponies at the feet of "Pony Master Race" while the changelings in general are pictured as Chrysalis's
"Henchmen" "Servant race" or "Clone Army" call them whatever you want. Giving the excuse for the few "Special little snowflakes" to deviate and lead the way to the merciful ponies.

Now this isn't a thread about how about you're wrong or stuff. In fact there are fics out there that are quite interesting to read in that perspective, and I certainly don't shut myself from reading them. But at times... I get tired.

So I am looking for something "Interesting" per say... to read. I am looking for stories, or at least YOUR interpretation of a changeling society that is admirable.

Do they practice philosophy? Arts? Do they use the hivemind as a family? Does solidarity work with them? Are the changelings superior and why?

When you respond to this thread do reply to this post so i get notifications. I will also likely copypaste this thread somewhere else.

3975201 First off: are Changeling superior? They have horns AND wings. They are a race of alicorns. Yes, they ARE superior.
Headcanon: Centuries ago, in Flutter Valley lived a peaceful tribe ponies called the Flutterponies. They had butterfly wings and a strong sense of "togetherness." Under the wise (by human standards) leadership of their royal family they tried to spread their greatness and teach it to other ponies. One day they meet a family of human witches and they learned a great deal from each other, including a recipe for Smooze, a failed attempt of a deceased Flutterponies quest to bring life to something lifeless. The witches warped Smooze into something terrible and exterminated the Grundles. Afterwards, to "protect" the world from their knowledge the Flutterponies sealed themselves in Flutter Valley and practiced strict isolationism. This was broken by another human, Prince Scorpan, who would exterminate the Witches (excluding three) himself a week later. More humans, Megan, Billy and Molly would also find their way to the Valley to ask for their help in stopping the Smooze(the three Witches Scorpan let live create).
The Flutterponies continued to develop their magical prowess and found a way to harness magic with their bodies: using genetic manipulation they enabled conceived but unborn foals to absorb and use the love others give them to fuel magic similar to unicorns. The changes also gave them a deep black coat, wings more like a dragonfly's, natural holes in their legs, gnarled horns, and dagger shaped pupils. Many parents choose this path for their unborn children, and being a dominant gene it became the norm, albiet after several generations. Just as levitation is a basic unicorn spell, changing one's appearance came naturally to the Flutterponies.
Disaster struck. During experiments involving nuclear fallout, Flutter Valley became poisoned with radiation overnight and a mass evacuation followed, along with a loss of nearly all of their combined knowledge. The Flutterponies built caravans and split, going different directions trying to find a new home and/or a way to allow them to continue living in Flutter Valley. The Recluses turned Nomads, aided by their appearances and shape shifting abilities quickly became mistrusted, were mistreated and given the name Changeling. Trying to find a land full of love their attempted to immigrate into Equestria but were turned away. A proclamation forbidding Changeling entrance came from Princess Celestia herself, the only time an entire race had been barred from the nation.
A young Chrysalis ascended to the Throne, and drafted several caravan trains into an invasion of Canterlot.
There is no hive mind of any kind among the Changelings. Individuality is a virtue, and many prefer isolation when they can find it. They are ponies, reproduce the same way, in the same numbers as an average American household. Marriage is taken very seriously, some Changelings remain virgins until their wedding night,(divorce is unheard of) most until sometime after agreeing to a marriage. The only eggs you will find among them are in their wombs or frying pans.
I know it's not what you were asking for, but what do you think?
By the way, Shining Armor should have met Chrysalis years ago and married her, bringing trust to the Changelings.

3976517 Only thing that riddles my mind is "Why did Celestia reject them?"

3976644 Maybe she heard rumors and knew of their abilities and talents, but never got to know them. You could call it a lapse in judgement, but Celestia seems to have several of those, so maybe she makes a habit of that.
The Changelings are a beautiful, intelligent, sad and misunderstood people.

3977150 There has to be a better reason to refuse a whole race.

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