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I put together the name "moori" for the bat pony race in one of my stories, and so far, I've gotten fairly good reception on it. Could work as both a singular and a plural:

The diner doors popped open once more as a frantic moori mare of the Midnight Guard flew inside, desperately searching for her princess.

Ponies, unicorns, pegasi, and moori trudged about, dragging bags of sugar and trays of cupcakes from Joe’s ‘quarantine’ hooflocker into the cobblestone streets outside.

I was originally going to use "Thestrals", which is a good name, but it's a touch dramatic, and I believe it's from the Harry Potter series, so it might carry a similar connection to the wraith-like monsters.

If anyone wants to use it, by all means. Thought I'd throw it out there as a possibility.

Yeah, totally, anyone can use it. If you can mention my story, that'd be cool, but I don't really mind otherwise.

When I was writing my most recent story, the bat ponies were called Tulpar, like in the beloved Night's Favoured Child by Municipal Engines, but it just didn't read well. Tulpar is great in that it is the actual name for a mythological race of demon horses, but the word feels awkward on the tongue. So, I checked Wikipedia for every OTHER name of a mythological horse, but only kind of liked the Kelpie, a Celtic water horse:

So, I took the end of Kelpie, and screwed around, adding different beginnings. Somehow I ended up with Moorie, which I like both the sound of, and the fact that when you dropped the "e", the word itself looks like "moon." That fits really well for my plan for them in the story I was doing, so that's what I stuck with.

1283796 Yah, I'll mention your story, I mean it's not hard to it on one of my favs ta-boot but I am more concerned about using the name when my "Bat Ponies" don't eat meat, as strict diet of juice fruits and hard shell nuts. I am still working on the character so I can make changes if you want I just don't want to step on any literary toes.

Nah, just thought the name worked well. You can make them anything — the show never goes into the bat ponies at all, so it's completely open as to what they'd do or how they'd act or what their history is.

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