Guns of Equestria 191 members · 111 stories
Comments ( 9 )
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Let's say you're going to Equestria. Like any other country, there will be some dangerous places. If you were able to take any gun with you, which one would you take?

I would take the Kalashnikov. (The AK-47)

6007991 My guy in my Battle of the Blanks Story uses this along with an SVD and a Makarov PM. I own all of these guns and they are all I'll ever need.

That answer "made my day." :trixieshiftright:

If it were me, I'd take an M4A1 Carbine with M26 Modular Accessory Shotgun System mounted on it

And for my sidearm, a Nickel Plated M1911A1 pistol with pearl grips

MA3 Assault Rifle with drum mag

M41A Pulse Rifle

M6G Personal Defense Weapon System

I can only wonder what your intentions with such extreme weapons would be...

Protecting them from dangeroud threats

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