Half-Life and Portal 180 members · 48 stories
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While we all wait for the release of Half Life 2: Episode 3, which will probably be out sometime after the apocalypse, we creators of fanfiction will have to speculate on many things regarding the world of Half-Life. Although this presents a dilemma regarding treatment towards canon, it also provides us the opportunity to do our own world-building. Subjects in question are: the future of Earth and humanity, the future of the Combine Empire, the fate of Gordon Freeman, the G-Man's true nature and motive, and the Borealis.

I ask these question because it will help develop my story: A Trusted Friend in Science and Ponies, sequel to Better Living Through Science and Ponies, sequel to Portal 2, which takes place in the distant future to Half-Life 2. Now, if you intend on reading my fic or are currently reading it, spoilers ahead for unreleased content in my story. If not, then you probably won't care and can read ahead at your own discretion. Please comment with your thoughts. It would greatly help me out. Everything is speculation, but it will help ground the second half of my story in something solid.

So, the gist of my story's plot is this: (again, spoilers) In Equestria, GLaDOS, who, for some reason, has become insane and evil again (all happened in Better Living), intends to rebuild Aperture Science to its former glory to take over Equestria, but her resources are limited after the events of the previous story. Her plan is to create a portal to the Combine world to attract their attention and bring them to Equestria. In exchange for letting them come through and harvest Equestria's valuable resources, she asks them to grant her use of their technology to do with as she pleases, which is to build a new Aperture Science to test every single pony in Equestria. Essentially, she fills Dr. Breen's role as Equestria's Administrator to the Combine, except more competent, and she doesn't care about the Combine's goals, so long as they don't get in the way of hers. Of course, it's up to Chell to save the day (again).

So, this leads to several questions about the future of the world of Half-Life. How can GLaDOS possibly keep the Combine to hold their end of the bargain? Her plans don't interfere with theirs. In fact, she takes care of the population issue, since the Combine have better things to do than to create an Orwellian state. But they still need to know that there will be consequences if they don't hold their end of the deal. This leads to my question about the Borealis. The Combine know of Aperture Science, so they most likely of GLaDOS. And if they truly know her, then they should rightly fear her. would know how dangerous she can be. This is all because they know what the Borealis is capable of. So, what exactly is so significant about it? And how would that allow them to fear or obey her?

Then there's Gordon Freeman. My readers have been screaming for me to include him to help Equestria defend Equestria from the Combine, but I had never even really intended to include him at first. So, how can he be brought over to Equestria in what is possibly hundreds or thousands of years after his life. Did the G-Man suspend him after Episode 3? Could another force bring them here, like the Vortigaunts.

So, getting to the Vortigaunts, they are powerful allies to the humans, and would make great allies to the ponies of Equestria. But them coming to Equestria is also a problem. How would they get to Equestria if the portal created is to the Combine's home world? Could they possibly bring Gordon with them?

And what is the G-Man's plan? By this point in my story, he has already entered Equestria and has been pulling some marionette strings, but his motives have not yet been revealed, though he seems rather malevolent. Would he help bring Gordon Freeman to Equestria to fight against the Combine? Or even Adrian Shepard, who's been MIA since Opposing Force?

So, all these questions are food for thought. Of course, whatever anyone comes up with will probably contradict the events of HL3. But it's alright if a fanfiction is on an alternate timeline to canon. So in responding to my questions, feel free to Wild Mass Guess to your heart's content. This is a free discussion. No answer is wrong. Although I don't buy G-Man being Gordon Freeman from the future.

If you bring in anyone from earth, make sure it is Adrian Shepard.
We have seen a lot of fics that bring in Gordon Freeman.
Let's give Adrian some love, he has not had any since Opposing Force.

Also by the way, it would be smart to put this in the game crossovers group. It will get a lot more attention. And therefor, more help for your story.

Corporal Sheeeparrrd...:derpyderp1:

Why would GLaDOS open up a portal tp the combine home world? Why not just a portal to earth so the combine can come through from there. This also makes it possible for Gordon (& Alyx) to come to equestria.

2981561 Well, I figured by this point in the future (the very distant future), the Combine was either defeated on Earth, or just done draining its resources and moved on. Another reason is that GLaDOS needs a citadel to use as the new Aperture. It would be much easier to obtain this from the homeworld than Earth. And it would be easier to invade from the home world.

And there will be human soldiers on their world, who will become ponies when crossing through (That's just the way it works.) Characters from Half-Life may just have to find another way through. Wheatley came from a portal from Earth, and the G-man came from wherever he came from. This was all caused by GLaDOS using a homemade anti-mass specrometer, and it's how she opens the portal to the combine world. I could say that the hole in the universe(s) creates a rift in the multiversal fabric, allowing it to be more easily exploited.

I'd like to see you integrate Gina Cross & Colette Green from Half-Life: Decay.

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