Comments ( 8 )
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Group Admin

You might have noticed Wanderer D's comment at the main page of this group. One of our members seems to have abused a fimfiction user “in the name of the group”, which really surprised and angered me.

I want to make absolutely clear that harassing other users is not what we are here for. Even slightly aggressive behaviour towards other users or groups is too much. The group description does indeed call for doing “whatever has to be done” to stop Poultron, but I thought it was clear from the not exactly subtle use of hyperbole in the rest of the text that this was not a serious request. Not to mention that Wanderer D's comment is only a few hours old, which means that the incident must have occurred AFTER Poultron had been “stopped”.

I am not sure what to think about this. It is absolutely not what I had in mind when I created this group, and I am tempted to put an end to all this and delete it. Opinions?

do not end this group. if you end this Poultron might take over again then what?

842599But wasn't that just an April Fools Day prank? I was a spy, I guess, and I saw that Knighty and him were apparent friends. I think that it was just a ruse, but they got serious when they saw groups like this. I haven't seen Wanderer D's comment, but I will check it out.

842574The nerve of some people! Honestly, this is My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic for crying out loud! *Oh, sorry for the outburst.* We need to be nice to each other. We can get pumped about a fic, but there's no need for harassment.

Permanent Temporary
Group Admin

That's certainly disheartening, but I expected there to be at least a few who are misguided, maverick, or extremist.

However, I urge you to consider the fact that the actions of one member do not necessarily reflect the attitudes of the whole group. I don't think that measures as drastic as disbanding the group is warranted, we are not quite at a point of no return. Going off of the responses in this thread, as a whole we are far from such a state, it seems. Deleting the group is definitely an overreaction at this point.

No, what I suggest is that we try harder to make it absolutely clear exactly what our intentions are and to start compiling a guideline of procedures to follow in certain situations.

People these days... I mean, really. Aren't we supposed to be one big, happy family, which enjoys each other's company? Friendship is magic, eh?

Group Admin

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I don't want to make any fundamental decisions about the group without the consent of the members, so there's no risk of me deleting it on a whim. After all, what caused the problem addressed in this thread was an overreaction to an upsetting incident, and by deleting this group in a fit of anger I'd make exactly the same mistake.

Since the commotion resulting from the controversy about human fics has died down by now, the probability that there will be more questionable acts by people who misunderstood the purpose of the group is very low anyway. Clear guidelines are nevertheless desirable, even though I don't see how people who are willing to violate fimfiction rules would abide to the rules of the group.

Well I have no problems in joining this group. I do not like other uses being abused in the name of our group.
I really hope this is a one time thing.
I joined this group to try and I hope I could help, yes mind you I did not know it was an April fools prank but still I be we could still do good.
I really don't know what we can do with this group and I feel that maybe some ground rules should be made.

I am sorry if I sound rude or snarky but I do not want to be judge negatively by the company I keep.
I've also wanted to know what kind of human stories we could put in the folders as well.

thank you for your time.
I hope for the best and good luck in the future.

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