Gods,Deities,spirits and Monsters 1,319 members · 923 stories
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The smallest of tools can fell the mightiest of things. That's all I need, a little leverage, a short opening, something, anything, and I will have my freedom. Those foolish royals may think me weak, hells they may even be right, but they won't keep me here, not forever. Nothing lasts forever.

Follow the POV as he navigates his dealings with both good and evil. Treachery can fell him at any corner, so he has to watch his words and take care to not reveal his hand too early. and the horror tag? Well, he is a monster, is he not? A little horror is to be expected.

TA Fatal Error Has Occurred
He was murdered in a place where one cannot die. Memories and hope, ripped from him in a flash of light. From one prison he came, and into another he was thrown. But he will get out, nothing lasts forever.
Orderly Disassembly · 32k words  ·  118  3 · 2.1k views

Story's been progressing nicely, posted an update on Friday and this one like a few minutes ago, I intend to keep up a weekly Monday update schedule so expect to see this in your feed a few more times.

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