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So this is basically just a theory on how various tanks would stand up to say a unicorn of varying power.

Anything from the Bob Semple to the M1A2 SEP
A Weather pegasus(YOU CAN'T MOVE CLOUDS LIKE THAT BY HAND!) to Princess Celestia.

It would depend a lot on the strength of the pony
But as long as they are not an op one or have anti tank weaponry I think even a bob semple would win against the comon pony

I say the tank, puelry because it can use smoke for concealment and then use its machine gun to kill the pony. And as for celestial, I guess if they got a solid hit on her they would kill her, but she is a small target so I would can that one a coin flip.

A solid hit from what? The main gun, the coaxial MG's, or just a rifle burst? Because given her actual resistance WITHOUT a shield, I'm leaning towards the latter two.

Hell, not even a tank, a good uppercut would kill them, they're smaller than actual ponies.

Actual response: it depends of the tank. If it's a real tank, Abrams, Tiger, Patton? If it's ficticional, Scorpion, AAT, Hovertank?

I think they are knee-tall
So a strong kick could actually break their faces
And for the tank since they are so tiny a single machine gun round would completely destroy them

Response: Real life tanks.
Informative: The Scorpion looks cool but is absolutely sh#t in a combat situation.

This is a bit of an apples to oranges thing, as it's taking "one infantryman vs one vehicle", and of course weighs more heavily on the vehicle than the infantryman as a result.

If we are taking this charitably (and let's be real; if we're writing a story based on this information, we'll probably have some suspension of disbelief to even set this matchup, let along give whatever pony's squaring off a fighting chance), the best analogy would be a Mighty Glacier (especially for older tanks, and even the latest models not being as maneuverable as jeeps, hummers, etc) vs a Glass Cannon, and the pony's best odds of winning is to 1) strike before being struck and 2) be ready to gallop/fly like the wind to avoid a counter-attack in the event they miss their first attack, or fail to definitively kill the tank on the first hit.

For examples:
* Somebody previously said tanks could use smoke for cover, but a weather pony could also do the same (especially if they have the element of surprise over the enemy tank if they don't know about ponies, let alone Pegasi ability to control the weather, beforehand). For older tanks that require their commander to pop the hatch to look out with binoculars (or better yet, open-top tanks), a surprise lightning bolt blast would at least fry a key member of the tank's crew, and possibly set off the stored shells or fuel to blow it open if the shot's really lucky. Of course, this is a LOT harder for modern tanks that don't need to open up at all, but zapping the camera system can badly blind the tank, and give a window to pry a hath open, and kill the crew, Mercenaries 2/Hardcore Henry style. If this fails, the Pegasus had better be Wonderbolt level fast to dodge whatever MG or turret fire is sent in response (although for airborne targets, it's more likely the turret due to tank MGs being designed for anti-infantry instead of anti-air: think The Interview's "Let's barbeque this motherf***er!" scene)

* Unicorns vary wildly in strength (not all of them can engage in Super Saiyan Beam-O-Wars), but limiting to just "powerful enough to punch through tank armor" unicorns, I'd honestly give the edge to Pegasi due to being able to maneuver faster, and engage in a tank's blind and weak spots more readily. A unicorn may have some "invisibility magic" at best, but if they can't punch through at least most of the tank systems on the first shot, they won't have many more chances to win...

* While it's easy to joke that Celestia is a Jobber, it's more the Word Effect (i.e. She's strong, she's just constantly attacked by stronger opponents just to show what an uphill battle Twilight and co. need to face). She's easily the best candidate for an extended 1v1 duel with a modern tank (let alone a historical one), as she can easily melt a tank to slag with her solar powers (think Daybreaker, and then imagine how powerful Celestia is while "holding back"), and can outmaneuver most tank-based weapons, potentially even melting bullets or pre-detonating shells before they strike her. That said, one tank shell or MG burst that connects can put her down.

Basically, it's unlikely for a pony to beat a tank (even if the pony takes advanced guerrilla warfare lessons, and the tank crew has literally no idea what to expect), but it is plausible in a "David vs. Goliath" sense - heck, if Solid Snake can take down an Abrams with just a few grenades, a clever enough pony can take on even this weapon of war.

Yeah, but that only applies to real life tanks. Yes, I know (now) that this thread is about RL tanks, but there are tanks that not matter which pony goes against them, they'll always win: Bolos (although those are kind of obvious), Landmasters, Brawl/Warpath (they'd just step on any pony)...

Ok, I LITERALLY never heard of these tanks before you mentioned them to me - most fictional tanks that I know are either OTL tanks wih the serial numbers filed off, tanks from conventional strategy games (Command and Conquer, especially Generals and the Red Alert series), and some tabletop games (W40K's Baneblades, etc), and even then I started off with IRL tanks as that was what the OP asked for (starting from a historical, OTL tank, and ending with a modern, OTL tank, not throwing in a Scorpion or Apocalypse tank on top of that)

I would like links explaining all of the tanks you cited, so I can see for myself what you're trying to say.

Bolos are sentient tanks with plasma cannons on the megaton range (5 megatons per second to be exact), Landmaster is the tank Fox Mccloud uses (and basically an M55 Mako with lasers instead of coilguns), and Brawl and Warpath are transformers MBTs (Brawl for the 'Cons, Warpath for the 'Bots).

Well, you don't necessarily need a unicorn to punch through a tanks armor with a concussive blast. As long as they know a decent transfiguration spell they should be able to incapacitate the thing. It would appear that even relatively weak unicorns are capable of basic transfiguration spells.

Note: that when I say basic I mean things such as repairing a broken object like with what Rarity did. I'd consider advanced transfiguration to be outright turning an object into something else. Someone like Trixie is able to do that, and she's only a more talented than normal. Certainly no high tier mage.




Informative: See this is the comparison that would be good.

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