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it was an basic way to keep all your books in one bag before the e-reader.

what it is that the whole book would be in a singal lone card think of your giftcard and put 3 of them side by side, and they would print the words on it super tiny and you use a metal holder for it that have a magnifying glass that is only as big for your eyes to read the test.

what you did was load the card in and as you read you roll the magnify glass as you read each page of the book.

i forgot the name of it is all and i wanted to put it in my story.

it look something like this (i draw it from what i can remember)

A microfiche?

I remember when libraries still had them. You can still get the machines and media on eBay and other places that sell vintage stuff. I once saw a complete set of Porsche manuals as microforms.

no but close to it

it was a handheld thing they made a lot of theme back in the hey days of the Industrial Revolution and really hit it big time in the late 1800s given people travel way more and could keep more stuff to read in a tiny package.

if i remember it lasted for a really long time until other things was made like handheld radios, tv and many other things then just a book to keep you busy

Found it:

What you described sounds like the Fiske Reading Machine. Huh, neat. I’ve never even seen one of those.


thx so much dude, but ya its very fitting and i can see the world of the mlp use this all the time before anything like the e-book would be made.

it would be very easy for them to do and twilight would sure as hell would have owned this given how books size would not help her one bit

oh do that part of me saying it was well used was my bad i think i was thining of something elsa


Fiske's device was apparently quite rare. I can't even find any for sale in any online auctions or anything, and I think one would be hard-pressed to track one down today. It's a fascinating piece of obscure history, though! I can imagine that ponies would find it more convenient to nudge a lens around on a frame to read a microform text than to try and turn individual pages of a book with their hooves. Nice ergonomics.

There are other, similar oddities out there that involve magnifying small pictures, like the Stanhope or, to a lesser degree, the View-Master:

When I was 6, we had View-Masters and reels for them, VCRs were still a thing, and most libraries still had microfiche or microfilm viewers. Ahh, the nineties.

i was born in the 90s too but i was born 1 year before dial up hit the maket but ya i remeber a lot of things that needed you to go outside.

but anyway ya i remeber this and i can see it in my head this would take off big time in there world.

but there are ponits to be made if this was made for mess used and would have made people to buy more books and maybe comics

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