Adopt a Human 1,689 members · 271 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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Orphaned teenager adopted by 'blank' after appearing in everfree

Probably, but is that gonna stop anybody?

RomeoDkat idk I hope it doesn't, but I always see the 3-7 yro stories but never a teen one

Closest thing is ( The Princess' Sin by SaiyanUltima ) older teen/young 20's drug addict get sent to equestria and lunas and celestia's parents adopt him. He falls in luv and it all occurs within 20 years before nightmare occurs. He is immortal and lives to see luna free.

I know and I've read that story, it was pretty good, but I've been looking for one with a 15-16 yro so they know what they are where their from, and how "dangerous" a human can be,

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