Adopt a Human 1,689 members · 271 stories
Comments ( 8 )
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So, I remember reading a fic awhile ago, that had a crossover with APoeticHeart's A New Home. It was about a young boy who ends up being adopted by Twilight after he is sent to Equestria, I believe prior to Earth being destroyed by meteors, and he becomes the adoptive brother of Nyx and Spike. I believe it was called A New Life, but I can find it. Help?

Its name is New life in Equestria. It was written by jkreader


Thanks guys, I love that story, it was driving me mad when I couldnt find it

4994132 I like too I hope they finish it I want to after they found out that blueblood try to take away nxt

4994116 It was New Life in Equestria by jkreader.

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