Adopt a Human 1,689 members · 271 stories
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The story starts out with a baby boy who is only 1 month old gets teleported into the everfree forest
at the same time princess twilight is visiting fluttershy while she heres crying that sounds like a child so she invesagates and find the baby and decides to raise him not knowing at the time what he is a few months later he hers her say mama long story short he was raised by ponys. he is now a prince of equestria

meanwhile on earth nasa tells everybody they have found intelligent life in the universe when they take photographs they see the boy (who I have not yet have thought of a name yet.) with twilight and twilight seems like he is teaching him.

So they end up sending astronauts they land in they everfree forest not nowing if the air is breathable so they see the boy and conflict happenes I
have to admit I only thought of the idea when I up late last night

Sounds interesting... When you can get it into a Story, I would read it.

Sounds like one I'm working on, only a lot more peaceful sounding XD

Group Admin

3925395 sounds interesting

Reminds me of something... Oh yeah, defender of Equestria! Except, it's a saiyan, and the astronaut thing never happens.

Then again, we Authors all get ideas out of nowhere. :twilightsheepish:

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