World War Bronies 734 members · 129 stories
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Just that, I would like some advice for a story I am in the works of researching right now. Its a Human in Equestria story about a bunch of soldiers of the West Yorkshire Regiment during later half of WW1 being sent to Equestria. I'm doing research right now and brainstorming so there is nothing official as of yet. So before i really start writing I was wondering if their was any advice anyone has about writing such type of story.

It can be anything really; a story someone wrote that could help me, sources that could help me in my research, thoughts about the idea, writing advice, etc.

This might be more for The Writers Group but I though because of the topic it would be more appropriate to post here.

So...thank you for reading and have a nice day at least.

5443650 Make sure your facts are correct, I don't like to read a story and see WW1 infantry using Gr.38 mortars or Panzer IVs rolling across the WW1 battlefield. Try and avoid giving your men rare and obscure weapons, about 5% of combatants used SMG's in WW1, Bolt actions were much better at the time.

Group Admin

What are they going to do once they're in Equestria?

5443668 Two things come to mind:
One-The group goes on some "misadventures" where they have to use their weapons of war to fight off some enemies of Equestira
Two-Both the soldiers and Equestrians trying to understand each others worlds, mostly the Equestrians attempting to comprehend the horrors and the type of existence the soldiers lived in the trenches and early 20th century England in general.

Thanks for the advice and don't worry about the weapons; just Lee Enfield Rifles, Mills Bombs, Lewis LMGs , improvised weapons (commonly used in the war), etc. Nothing but what was used between 1917-1918 and in its proper quantities.:ajsmug:

Comment posted by Nova_Blast deleted Aug 24th, 2016

5443777 Ah, thanks for that. I don't pay too much attention to WW1 but I do know that SMG's were very rare/

5443650 for your writing aid, the Yorkshire dialect.

(In a Yorkshire accent) "Needless ta seh, considerin these sahdiers belong close teur t' start o' t' 20th century, thee 'ood av eur thick accent li' dis, though t' off-comed-ons* 'ood av eur less thick accent."

which makes for some potentially hilarious situations with one of the ponies having to communicate with the soldiers in this manner

also, here's a Yorkshire translator,

*basically means from the city, or "not from around here"

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