World War Bronies 734 members · 129 stories
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The Battle of Castle Itter one of the last battles on the Western Front, fought five days after the Death of Hitler and two days before the German Army capitulated is often referred to as "The Strangest Battle of the War" During the course of the battle American Troops of the 12th Armored and 142nd Infantry division, were joined by Mutinous Wehrmacht soldiers, and rebellious French POWs and fought off the remains of the 17th SS Panzergenader Division, who were still loyal to the collapsing Nazi Government, at Castle Itter outside the town of Worgl Austria for an entire day

5439152 I believe this song is about the battle. (Video isn't, but if you look at the lyrics it appears to be.)

5439317 Yeah, that's what it's about. *drives off in a Panzerkampfwagen IV*

5439335 Thought so. *Flies away in Ho-229*

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