RWBY Fan Club 700 members · 133 stories
Comments ( 15 )
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Basically, one person complained abiut how everyone seemingly uses Dust. He wants one character to say "Fuck Dust." And use SCIENCE and whatnot instead

He basically sees it as basically magic, but good point

7109422 Mind you we have alternative fuel sources whereas Remnant has not come up with them because Atlas scientists are douches with the exception of a few. But even then I don't think the concept of not using dust for fuel has ever crossed their minds.

Ok, now I'm wondering if they ever even watched the show

... Uh... Dust is Science, or are they ignoring the airships, weapons, and tech? dust...this sounds like something that should be looked into. Completely depending on one resource for power is terrible idea. Sure we primarily used a single resource for power in the past, but we still looked into alternative means.


They did, very late on. They didn't like how cliched and low budget the first season was, and they've slowly kept on

Ahem, Dust is in fact science, not magic or anything like that.

Also, how? Gunpowder isn't a thing there so you can't do that, as far as we can tell they use dust in forging as Aura can flow through a weapon so that's out... They are relegated to punching Grimm to death, no gauntlet or anything else just punching.

Also, aura is far closer to magic so I guess the science fighter can't use that either... Perhaps the reason why we don't see them likes that all the idiots die out fairly quickly?

He basically sees it moreso as magic, but good point. Though, its likely other things like iron and steel exist

Oh yeah, but things like oil and coal? Not a cance, theyd have found it by now which means that dust is dead things... dust is a 100% clean fossil fuel, god damn it.

To be fair RWBY was cliche and low budget in V1 but yeah he's an idiot who really should watch the later seasons

He said he'll try and keep watching it. He hates how...."kiddie" the show is at the start, and wants something dark and unburdened by the usual TV like constraints.

I believe its even said somewhere there WAS an attempted space program,. But yeah, Dust, as it stands, is a seemingly clean fuel that the planet naturally generates, so its far more easy to obtain than oil

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