Dragonfire2lm's Roleplay Group 13 members · 2 stories
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Tittle subject to change.

I had a few ideas on who the hosts for my litle tod fic will be, but for the hilarity and Princess bashing I choose Manaquire to be my MC in this thing.

this what I have so far.

"Hello? Is anypony out there?" the voice of Twilight Sparkle echoed in the darkness.

"Twilight?" another responded as a yellow light flared to life, revelaing to tall white alicorn casting a light spell.

"Princess Celestia!" the purple unicorn exclaimed and rushed over to her mentor. "Do you know where are?"

"No I do not my faithful student..." Celestia sighed.

The light from her horn reflected the wooden floor and dusty room bare of any distinquishing features that the ponies found themselves in. It appeared to be a run down hotel, what was once lush red carpet was frayed and covered in dust and the place looked like it had been abadoned for years.

(to Dark Angel- this the exact same building i hosted my last truth or dare fic).

So who wants to join in for the first episode?

A whimper was heard from a corner of the room.
"Fluttershy, is that you?" Twilight asked as she turned to the direction of the whimper.
"Where are we?" Fluttershy asked her whisper of a voice.
"Wherever we are, it looks as if the cleaning lady hasn't been doing her job in years. This place is filthy!" Rarity said as she arrived.
"I've been meaning to talk to her about that. But ever since Discord's attack, she's been a little...not right in the head." A black alicorn stallion with black angel wings as a cutie mark said as he arrived. "You can call me Dark Angel. I'm here to assist your host, who's running a bit late at the moment."

(If you don't want me to be an alicorn, I'll accept just being a pegasus instead. But my alicorn form is not overpowered. It's more just for show...and that I have trouble choosing.)

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(sorry about not replying sooner, distracted with templates for dragons..and stuff. Only because its you that i'll let you be an alicorn...but still.)

"Well well an Alicorn, why not just run to the roofdtops and scream 'I'm a gary stu' while you're at it" a male voice said in clear mockery of Dark angel.

"No...." Princess Celestia whispered, her eyes went wide as the voice registered in her mind.

"Yes!" the voice replied as its owner appeared before them, causing the mares in the room to scream in terror.

A large black dragon with the body of a tyransauros rex, a long neck and two large webbed wings stood before them. he had a long sqaured off snout and two long, straight horns also blunt at the ends on the top of head near hisears that pointed behind him in a slight angle.

The whites of his eyes were red and the pupil was a diamond shaped slit. he grinned at the cowring ponies.

"Long time no see my little ponies, miss me?" he asked.

"Do you know what Truth or Dare is?" Dark Angel asked.
"Of course we do. It's a game that's often played at sleepovers where someone asks someone else whether they want to do truth, where they have to answer truthfully whatever is asked of them, or dare, where they have to do whatever they are told to do." Twilight explained as if reading from a text book.
"...whatever they are told to do..." Dark Angel said while reading from a book titled 'Slumber Parties for Dumbies'. "Yep. It's all right here in this book. But what you're about to experience isn't just some mere party game."
"But it's a game! So that means we're gonna have tons of fun!" Pinkie Pie said as she appeared out of nowhere.

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"No Pinkie Pie i don't believe we will 'have fun' as you put it" Celestia stated.

"Princess?" Twilight Asked.

Manaquire chuckled.

"So you remeber? Godd good it will make this much more interesting" he stated.

"Make what interesting?" Pinkie asked.

"You, along with any other creatuyre from your world, are now subject to receiveing truths and dares from posibly hundreds of people from acros the mutliverse, but lets face it my creator's fanfictions aren't really all that popular..unless you count that pokemon horror story so many people are favouriting on Deviantart" he stated.

"Uh what?" Rainbow Dash said in confusion.

"To summarise you are all to take part in a game hat will possibly leave you scareed for life and scared out of your wits" Manaquire explained.

"Scared? HA! Nothing can scare me!" Rainbow Dash gloated.
"Only fools have no fears. And even if you're not afraid now, you will be afraid later. Imagine the kind of terror King Sombre could cause. Now imagine King Sombre whimpering in terror just like Fluttershy was a moment ago. That's what these truth or dares are capable of." Dark Angel explained with a sinister grin on his face.
"Hoowee! You hype up this game o' yer's more than Trixie does with her magic!" Applejack said.
"If Manaquire is hosting this game, then unlike Trixie, he will live up to his hype." Celestia said.

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"How right you are Princess, now if you'll all follow me we can get the show started" Manaquire said and led to a large dusty room with cameras mounted on every wall.

With a flick of the switch the stage lights flickered to life and the cameras turned on, broadcasting to all of equestria and beyond.

"Welcome everypony, brony, pegasister, dragon and griffin to Dragonfire's MLP Truth or Dare show, now due to stress, mild depression and living off noodles and canned foods for a month, Dragonfire herself could not make it to host the show, so she asked me to instead" He said.

(Introduce youself and yes the stress and living off canned stuff for nearly month is true, we can't even afford chocolate for easter this year)

"And I am the co-host, Dark Angel. And I swear the reason Dragonfire isn't here personally is for the reasons Manaquire said, and not because I tied her up and locked her in her room...did I just say that out loud?" Dark Angel said. "As for the location, I would've preferred that we bought that mansion in Fillydelphia. But I suppose this place will have to do."

(I hope things work out for you in the long run.)

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"I swear to time if you actually did that I wil kill you" manaquire growled and then turned his attention back to the camera.

"This Truth or Dare will allow to to make the characters of My Little pony Friendship is Magic say or do anything you wish, however we will accept submisions that re-enact scenes from any famous horror story, nor do we accept closet dares or clop, otherwise feel free to ask us just about anything" He explained.

Manaquire pulled out a scroll and opened it but then frowned at the contens.

"It appears the Truths and Dares I had planned have been stricken from the record....Right that's the last time I let Dragonfire into my office" he muttered.

"So Dark Angel any idea how to get the ball rolling?"

(same here)

"Ooo! A ball! Are we gonna play a ball game?!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed.
"Perhaps we could start off by giving Pinkie a sedative. Perhaps something that can take down a dragon." Dark Angel said.
"But dragon tranquilizers could put a normal pony into a coma!" Twilight exclaimed.
"First of all, that's the idea. Secondly, you say this as if Pinkie was a normal pony. Pinkie has so much energy that she could put the Energizer Bunny to shame." Dark Angel said.
"Who's Energizer Bunny? Maybe Angel Bunny knows him!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed.
Dark Angel used his magic to wrap a rope around Pinkie's mouth, tying it shut. "Okay. Now with that taken care of...temporarily, I suggest perhaps we start off with something simple." As Dark Angel thinks of what to do, he starts mumbling to himself the ideas. "I got it. Since Twilight is known for her book smarts, I dare her to refrain from referring to anything that she has read from a book for the rest of the day."
"All of Twilight's knowledge comes from books! You might as well give her a lobotomy right now!" Rainbow Dash said.
"That's the idea. I want to see how...and if she can survive without the use of her book smarts." Dark Angel said.

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"Impressive, a bit on the safe side but you have potential at least" Manaquire commented.

"Well, if I started with the good stuff from the very start, the rest of the game would be boring in comparison." Dark Angel said.

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"Ah but we need to draw in the viewers, without them we won't have any new material" Manaquire explained.

"Well if that's the case, perhaps we should focus a dare on the princess of the sun herself, Celestia. Now what would really get under her fur? I know!" Dark Angel began to grin a maniacal grin.
"What?!" Celestia shouted as she began to lose her nerve.
"I see you're will is already weakening, which will be good for this dare. I dare you to submit your mind to allow the power of Nightmare Moon to take you over...or whatever your version of Nightmare Moon would be." Dark Angel said. "What would Celestia's Nightmare Moon be?"

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"And if I refuse?" the princess asked.

"I'll corrupt your student instead, or chop your horn off either one" Manaquire replied casually.

"Alright I'll do it" she stated and closed her eyes.

"Princess Celestia!" Twilight cried out in worry for her mentor as the white alicorn's mane turned into golden flames, the tirara upon her head transforming into a more regal crown with sharp pointed prongs, the gem on her neck piece turned red and finally her golden horseshoes sprouted dragon-like claws.

When Princess Celestia opened her eyes they were red and while Nightmare moon's pupils were slitted and draconic, hers were small black prinpicks.

"I am Daydream Sun and I declare perfect order for all of Equestria!" she announced.

"I personally think the idea of seeing Twilight corrupted is a tempting idea too. But this will do for now. So...Daydream Sun...you declare perfect order for Equestria. But what is your idea of 'perfect order', and how will you achieve it?" Dark Angel commented.

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"Complete and total control of everything, everywhere!" Daydream Sun bellowed.

"I'm curious. When Twilight and the others used the Elements of Harmony against Nightmare Moon, they didn't have anything to hold them back. But seeing as this is...or was Celestia, would Twilight be willing to stand up against Daydream Sun? After all, Celestia is Twilight's mentor, and I think at some level is also like a second mother." Dark Angel said. "So we've done a dare, so how about a truth. Twilight, would you use the Elements of Harmony against Daydream Sun if you knew that it could end up harming your dear Princess Celestia? Imagine seeing Celestia lying in a hospital bed...and she's there because of you."
"Don't listen to him! You don't have to answer to him! And besides, the Elements of Harmony wouldn't harm Celestia." Rarity told Twilight.
"But that's the beauty of Truth or Dare. She does have to answer. Otherwise she'll have to pay the price. And how sure are you that the Elements wouldn't harm Celestia? After you defeated Nightmare Moon and reunited Luna and Celestia, Luna was missing for a long time. Where was she all that time? Was she missing because she was injured?" Dark Angel said.

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"I-I...I don't know!" Twilight replied as she looked at her mentor and what she had become.

(I'll let you get the rest of the mane six to comfort poor Twilight0

"It'll be alright, Twilight. Even if Celestia is injured, she'd still be better off than she is now." Applejack said.
"She's right. And besides, we're not sure if the elements will injure Celestia." Rarity said.
"Think of it like this. If you use the elements, she might be injured. If you don't, she's definitely injured." Rainbow Dash said.
"And if she stays like this, others might get hurt too. And that will make me sad." Pinkie Pie said.
Noticing that Twilight may consider using the elements, Dark Angel decided to work on her fears while also working on Celestia's fears. "Hey Daydream, Twilight and the others are planning to use the Elements of Harmony against you to overthrow your perfect order over Equestria."
"I will not allow that to happen!" Daydream Sun said. Dark Angel grinned as Daydream Sun was about to face against Twilight.

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"And I think we're done here" Manaquire said.

In a flash of red light Daydream Sun reverted back into princess Celestia.

"You forget this a truth or dare show, not some cheesy adventure fanfic" he commented.

"Oh...yeah...right... I guess I was having too much fun messing with everyone." Dark Angel grinned sheepishly.

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"I supose it is up to me to provide the correct level of insanity here then" he muttered and a can of soda (that is the american tern for a can of soft drink right?) appeared.

"I dare one Pinkie Pie to drink all of this highly caffinated sugar filled drink" He stated and used telekinesis to pas the can over to the pink pony.

(what happens is up to you, enjoy the hilarity)

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(so are we still doing this or what?)

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um if you want to take over then yeah, go ahead (I'm not online much anymore).

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