The RP Group of Relaxation 47 members · 1 stories
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2373612 It simply stared, before disappearing, with no sound, no flashy lightning bullshit, just disappearing.
Cloudy nuzzles him lightly.
"Imma make breakfast, 'kay?"

2375089 She sits down and scans the area, using her magic to search everywhere.

Hop smiles. "That'd be great." He kisses her softly.

2375321 Nothing came up. It seemed that it was gone.

Cloudy got up out of bed and made for the kitchen.
"You might want to get up soon. My pancakes don't take too fast to make,"

2398032 She sighs in relief. "Finally." She slowly sinks into her own shadow, teleporting to Ig and Half.

He stares at her flanks as she left the room and gets up and walks out to the kitchen, still smiling.

2398050 When she got to where they were, she could see that Half was bleeding rapidly, and was already a little pale.
Hopper felt something brush against his leg as Cloudy got out the ingredients.
"You do like pancakes, right?"

2398533 Ig whispers to Half. "I'm gonna cauterize it, okay, brace yourself." He lights his horn and burns the wound shut quickly.

Draco winces.

Hop chuckles. "Of course." He looks for what brushed his leg.

2398777 Half let loose a scream that would make a banshee tell him to shut up.

Hopper found a black cat with piercing green eyes rubbing it's cheek against his leg.

2399710 "Sorry, Half, had to close the wound." Ig smiles apologetically.

Draco covers her ears. "Ow."

Hop looks startled. "How did this cat get in my apartment?"

Cloudy looked back at Hopper, and sighed.
"Sisters dammit, Lucy. You really have to stop following me around all the time,"

2400187 "Sorry."

Hop smiles. "She yours?"

2400324 Half just looked away.
"Where'd that one thing go?"

"Yes, and she is actually a he,"

2400932 "Gone." Draco says quietly.

"Oh, sorry. I have a pet Ball Python."

2401028 Half decides to leave it at that, instead opting to look to the city of Manehatten.
Ashe's eyes brightened.
"Really? Can I see him?"

2401743 Ig picks up and and goes back to his place.

Draco goes home.

Hop nods. "Her name is Deloris." He leads her to a back room where there is a massive tank with a beautiful, five-foot Ball Python staring straight at Cloudy.

2401825 ((I'm a tad confuzzled here. You said "Ig picks up and heads back to his place". Did you mean "Ig picks Half up and heads back to his place"? Because Half's shoulder wound rendered him incapable of walking))
Cloudy walked up to the snake.
"She's so pretty. How old is she?"

2403190 [yeah, I accidentally skipped Half's name when I was typing]

"About as old as me, magic is keeping her alive, and small enough to handle."

2403532 ((Now that we have that cleared up, skip to arrival?))
"You know, I've always liked snakes. Mostly reptiles in general, but especially snakes. They just seem so graceful and beautiful to me,"

2405594 [Yup]

Ig slowly sat Half onto the couch.

Hop nods. "I know, they're really cool, especially Delly, she is very intelligent."

2405744 Half looked to the ground.
"Sorry. For yelling at you, I mean,"

2405775 "It's okay, I've felt pain before." He smiles.

Hop opens the tank and holds out his hoof. Deloris instantly starts coiling around him, slithering up his body until she looks like a scaly scarf.

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