The RP Group of Relaxation 47 members · 1 stories
Comments ( 762 )
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1899653 "It's okay." Her tone says it wasn't okay, and she needed a hug and/or kiss.

1920251 He decided to leave it at that, but still seemed to have something to say.

1922689 She looks away, seeming sad.

"Um.....You want to...grab some dinner some time?"

1935375 She perks up and smiles. "Yeah, I'd like that."

"Um..Great! Do you have a time in mind?"

1954858 "Well..anytime really...I don't have a job and I usually crash at Ig's place..."

" about Friday? Six-ish?"

1962569 "S-sure." She smiles nervously.

1974567 Half looked over the creature's weapon, pulling at the trigger with his magic. No rounds came out, even though the clip was full.
"Strange...Seems to have a DNA link..."

2052998 Ig begins to examine the creature.

Drac is smiling brightly, but looks very nervous. Oh! My! GODS! YES!

2053223 Half steps back.
"Well, whatever it is, I know that it's not from here,"

Night turned to go.
"I'm headed on home. I'll see you later, then?"

2053388 Ig nods.

"Y-yeah, I'll just be getting back to my place." She quickly hugs him, slipping him a piece of paper with her address on it, then trots off back home, giving him a bit of a show, swaying her flanks hypnotically.

2057130 Half took the magazine from the gun, and looked inside. Eighteen six inch long, two inch wide crystalline spikes were inside, the top one glowing. Half's magic wouldn't work on it when he tried to take it out.
"Anti-magic enchantment. Sort of ironic, using magic to repel magic,"

Night bit his lip lightly as he watched Umbra walk away.
This day was certainly eventful...

2060096 Ig begins to measure parts of its body.

2069187 Half continues examining the rifle.
"Seems to operate on a magnetic launch system..." His eyes widen as he looks at the wound in the beast's skull.

"Oh, shit,"

2071522 Ig too, notices. "..I didn't do that, did I?"

"I think we should both run," Half said. The gaping hole in the creature's skull was healing rapidly, and it's four eyes were opening.

2072800 Ig head butts it for good measure, grabs Half, then runs.

2082623 Half looks back at the alien creature. It looks up at the two ponies,(Or rather, pony and changeling) absentmindedly rubbing where it's skull got impaled.
"Shit...Don't shoot, or rather stab, the messenger... Alright, get yer asses back here!" It says. The two equines suddenly get dragged back to the creature.
"Now, I understand that you have seen one of our soldiers. I can't tell you too much, spoilers and all that, but we must keep our existence a secret from the inhabitants of this world. So, I propose a compromise; you two tell me anything you can about your planet, and you won't be stuck on a ceramite rod and displayed for all to see. What do you say?"

2093984 "I say that if ye touch me again, I'll kill ye." Ig growls.

2099018 It simply stares.
"Fascinati- um...May I ask why greeny over here is bursting into flame?" It says. "Greeny", as it had called Half, was indeed bursting into flame, but the green fire that Changelings use to morph into different things. It watched as Half burned, his flesh incinerating itself, then regrowing into a different shape. It watched as Half took the form of a Chimera, the three headed creature spitting fire from it's lion head.

"Well, that's new," The alien said. It was only seconds before Half sent it flying with a swipe from one paw.

2100505 "Ye be dead, mate." He said before lighting his horn. His fur paled immensely, his fiery mane writhing to life, a staff of pure gold appeared at his side, a crescent shaped blade made of fire connected to the top, making it a scythe, and then he began to attack with the speed of a striking cobra.

2121780 The alien grabbed the scythe by the blade, and wrenched it out of Ignis's grasp.
"You do realize how impractical this weapon is, right?"
"But not if you know how to use it," It says, before throwing it at Half in a way so that it spun impossibly fast. The weapon cut deeply into his shoulder, causing him to roar in pain.
"Now, if you would stop behaving like a hatchling, I will explain our agreement again. You give me information, and I'll just mindwipe you, causing you to forget this entire encounter. If you don't, I will kill you both, and impale your head on a stick,"

2158220 "Hurt Half again, and I'll turn you into Bacon!!!" He shouts, his voice literally being forceful enough to shove him away. His scythe flies into his magical grasp, his eyes glow with rage and begin to change and shift color, like magma.

2170162 The alien seemed unfazed.
"..........I've seen worse," It says, before leaping high into the air, landing behind Ignis, and firing three rounds from his spike rifle.

2172094 Ig slashes them into a Steaming pile of molten metal. "Nice try, but I am the former Praetor of the Romane Legion, the best fighting force on this world, none surpass my fighting abilities."

A dark shape appears by Half. "Are you ok?" It was Draco.

2173689 Half groans, blood pouring from his shoulder.
"B-been better..."

"Ah, but that's just it. 'On this world'" It says. It raised it's rifle straight up, and fired.

2174427 Drac smiles. "I'll cut his bloody head off, how about that?" She asks, pulling a sword out of nowhere and sneaking towards the creature.

Ig blocks it with his scythe. "My father is Vulcan, god of black smithing and fire, you are but a weakling alien unfit for a real job, scouts are expendable."

2174617 The alien flips a switch on it's rifle, and fired a spray of spines in Ignis's direction.
"I cannot see why you insist on being like this,"

2174998 Ig roars and a wall of flame incinerates the spines. "Fool."

Draco jumps at it, slashing with all her might at it's neck.

2175015 The only damage that the spines appear to suffer are the new scorched color as the sword bounces harmlessly off it's exoskeleton.

2175072 She relentlessly hammers away at it's head with the blade, sitting on it's back.

Ig joins her by attacking with his scythe.

2175125 It gave them a strange look.
"You really have no idea how to fight, do you?"

2175186 Drac smiles, still hammering away. "I do, but this is more fun."

Ig slashes diagonally with his scythe, aiming for it's weapon.

2175257 It sighs, and grabs Drac by the neck.
"You know, it's always fun, watching their faces change just because of how much pressure you put on their neck. See here, I squeeze just a little bit..." It started putting pressure on Drac's neck.
"Then squeeze just a little harder..." It said. "Little" was a bit of an understatement, as it left Drac struggling to draw even a single breath.

2175370 Drac smiles, even while being strangled. She was absolutely bonkers.

Ig roared in anger and tried to tackle the beast.

2177905 Ignis simply bounced off of an invisible wall.
"And then you wait until their eyes bulge out..." He applied even more pressure.
"And then you squeeze a little more..." It was now almost physically impossible for her to breathe.

Comment posted by AesNebula deleted Nov 21st, 2013

2180008 She was still smiling. Her body dissolved into shadows, then vanished. She reappeared on it's back. "That was fun." She was absolutely insane, her smile could creep out the most vicious lunatic

2210922 The armor plating on the beast's back suddenly rose in spikes, able to impale even the most armored of foes.

2358889 It seemed to work, then she dissolved into a black mist then reformed in front of it. "Stop that, spikes are so last century."

2359536 The thing chuckled.
"Proving tougher than I expected. Let's change that, shall we?"
It flicked a switch on the side of it's armor.

2362849 Ig grabs Half and runs.

Draco giggles. "You couldn't kill me no matter how hard you tried."

2363385 It smiled.
"Oh, Don't be so sure about that. After all, what is a magic user without it's magic?"

2370100 "My powers aren't just any magic, they are from an ancient, arcane source of pure power." She smiles smugly. "Nopony but Clytius himself could take my powers away."

Hopper slowly begins to wake up. He looks around, confused, forgetting where he was, then he saw Cloudy and remembered. Smiling, he nudged her with his nose.

2370186 It suddenly raised it's arm, faster than anyone could see, and fired three shots from it's rifle, two of which impaling themselves into the ground, and one stabbing into Umbra's hoof, pinning her to the ground.
Cloudy snuggled closer to her coltfriend, moaning softly in her sleep.

2372396 She sighs, her hoof turns to liquid shadow and she pulls the hoof away and as it reforms, there is no injury. "You might as well just give up." She picks up the spike, and points it at the alien. "Cuz you're screwed."

Hop chuckles and nudges her again. "Cloudy." He kisses her on the forehead.

2372458 It stared at Umbra for a good long while, before saying one thing.
"Fine. You win. I concede defeat,"
Her eyes slowly fluttered open, a smile on her face.
"Mornin', Hopper..."

2372796 "Get out of here, get off this planet, and I might not suffocate you." Draco growls.

Hopper smiles and wraps his hooves around her.

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