Rock Music 231 members · 99 stories
Comments ( 15 )
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Okay, since this group is dedicated to Rock Music overall, I figured I'd have a little discussion post where all of us fans of progressive rock can get together and talk about it. Since prog rock really doesn't get enough love.

Anyway, what do you guys think is the BEST overall progressive rock band? I.E. a band that has maintained high quality and made damn good albums throughout their careers.

For me, I'd have to say Pink Floyd. Mainly because they managed to bridge the gulf between more conventinal rock bands (like Led Zeppelin, Queen, The Beatles, The Who or The Rolling Stones) with the artsy sounds of progressive rock (bands like Yes, King Crimson or Emerson, Lake and Palmer).

But what about you guys? I'd love to have a nice, long discussion about progressive rock. Any takers?

Group Contributor

1149999 Pink Floyd is the only progressive rock I listen to ;_;

I was always more of a punk/grunge fan.

1150002 Punk/Grundge never caught with me.

I like Skillet though. That's pretty loud

Group Contributor

1150949 I run the gambit from Nirvana and Pearl Jam to Fall Out Boy and My Chemical Romance to M83 and The Antlers. Of course, I have some Talk Talk and Pink Floyd. Talk Talk is progressive, right?

1151522 Never heard of them until now, but they seem to be more 'art rock'...which isn't all that different from Progressive rock...

Group Contributor

1151572 yeah, it's just a fancy genre name
spirit of eden is a great album

Group Contributor

Pink Floyd (of course) and Yes are two of my favorite progressive rock groups.

1151580 Laughing Stock was better.

Group Contributor

1153141 I could not find a torrent to that .-.

rush is the answer to all

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