Harry Potter Crossovers 547 members · 89 stories
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So, as we've seen, Hermione adores education. She put being expelled as being worse than dying when the three of them escaped from Fluffy, was devastated when Dumbledore announced that all exams were cancelled after everyone who was petrified by Slytherin's basilisk were restored, and she signed up for every single elective, needing to use time travel in order to be in two different classes that are at the exact same time. Needless to say, she finds joy in education. But how do you think she was like before she got her Hogwarts letter and was introduced to the world of magic? Do you think she's the kind of student who would be considered a teacher's pet, or the one who would remind the teacher about homework over the weekend?

Also, how did she tack it, when she fond out that magic was real, and that...
she is Muggle born !


Also, what does she tell the rest of her family when she comes back for the Summer ?

I think she was bullied by others for her intelligence.

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