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Comments ( 6 )
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Hello everyone!

I'm fairly new to writing fanfiction (and this group as well) and I need reviews to know how I'm doing, what I'm doing right/wrong, and how can I improve. Anyways, I have written my second fic which has gotten submitted today, Gateway to Harmony: Flames Within These Feathers. So far, I've gotten few likes and favorites, as opposed to one comment, which I would love to get more of, so I can improve. So, please leave a review on my fic, and I will gladly return the favor with a review to one of your fics. :scootangel:

Thank you! :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin

I'll give it a read-through and tell you what I think


I'm digging that title, OP, I'll add it to my "Read Later" list, and when I get around to it I'll tell you what I think.

Looked at it, gave my comment. Do note that I tend to be a bit of a harsh critic.

855956 Sure I'll take a look at it. The title sounds interesting enough.

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