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im new to this group, and am fairly sure im posting this request in the wrong place, but if anyone would care to im wanting to write a sequal to my story Change. is anyone up for it?

Group Admin

842839 Requests are fine, but be aware that they are deleted in a week unless you have asked an admin for an extended time. Could you please give some information on the story? I.e. the tags, characters, setting etc. Could you also say exactly what you wish for people to do with your sequel? I'm unsure if you're just looking for a review, or a co-author, or a proofreader or what.


842910 i am looking to make a sequal. the first one is labeled Change. should be slice of life, romance. characters are berry punch, colgate, changeling, and shining armor

Group Admin

842994 I see, and what would you like people to do with your sequel?


843145 with? im sorry, my brain isnt working right. im not sure i understand the question

Group Admin

are you looking do do a colab work for your story, or are you looking for someone to write your sequel.

843328 to help me write it. i wouldnt feel comfortable with someone writing for me

Just went and read Change. It's a really good story and could easily be the beginning of something very good.

If you do want to continue it, however, you will need to have a very good personal understanding of addiction, either from the perspective of suffering from / having overcome one yourself or having seen that with someone else. If you or your co-author don't have that experience, the whole thing will most likely fall flat.

Telling the rest of the story from Colgate's point of view would probably be the best way to take a fresh take on the topic, so I recommend that, but only if you can give that experience some realism somehow.

I really can't help you with this, the only addiction I've overcome is nicotine and that's very different.

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