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Good morning, Greendale! As your Dean, I thought I'd share a few thoughts of wisdom and inspiration, and perhaps recommend some fanfiction.:twilightsmile:

For the Admin's Pick this week, I'm recommending Spellbound by KamFiction. Have you ever wanted to see Twilight Sparkle drawn into a dangerous cult, be seduced by dark powers, and possibly lose her soul in the process?

Neither did I, but then I read Spellbound. Part of what I like about this story is how the author really sends my favorite character off the map, and leaves me wondering whether or not she can be saved. If you're looking for a story that's dark (without earning a "Mature" rating) and romantic, with some colorful OCs and familiar faces acting in ways you wouldn't expect, try this one.

(And so far it has not received a single AHA review.)

You're a sweetheart Kolwanya
Hugs for you
hugs for everyone.

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