Ingress 698 members · 11 stories
Comments ( 3 )
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Anonymous Pegasus
Group Admin

Want to write an Ingress story?

Go right ahead! :pinkiehappy:

Basic guidelines are: Stories in the 'Ingress Canon' folder are true canon. They cannot be deviated upon, or they're not even Ingress any more. 'Soft canon' stories are stories within which large elements can be ignored. Such as entire relationships. Want to write a Rainbow Dash Ingress story? That's coolio, because Rainbow Dash isn't in a 'canon' relationship. She has a 'soft canon' story, but there's no reason there can't be two soft canon stories! :derpytongue2:

Canon Ingress will be mainly written by me. I severely doubt that anyone else will know the universe well enough to write the canon right. Most of the random HiE clop I write will be 'soft canon'.

I'll put up a forum thread sometime with proper information on Ingress universe timeline, including the juicy kidnappings, incursions, and politics that are only hinted at so far!

I'm curious about the canon Ingress universe. Could you perhaps describe it to us (me)?:twilightblush:

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