The Unity Games 103 members · 1 stories
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613094 ((I personally think i won, ShadowBro said that would be a lethal blow))

((See, now that's exactly what I was thinking you would do if I didn't get out of the barrier.

Unfortunately I neglected to think of a way I would dodge that, as the move I had intended to do would have left me outside. :facehoof:

One thing: Sometimes you call it a wall, and sometimes you call it a dome. Does it have a roof on it? or is it a vertical circle of ice?))

613792 ((i say wall to save time when writing, the shields Crafter creates are always dome shaped, meaning they are roofed.))

((Approved by: Chainlinc))
Shadow stood with his hoof to the phased wall, listening with a satisfied smirk on his face as he heard his own icy projectiles clang on the metal of his opponent’s armor. “Ha!” he shouted. Shadow heard the sound of metal impacting the ground and mistakenly assumed it was his opponent, finally downed by the constant punishment. He made to walk through the wall in front of him. “How’s that for irony? The ‘Winter’s Breath’ armor, defe-” he was cut off by a sudden blast of ice shooting up around him. reacting purely on instinct, he kicked off with his back legs, propelling himself forward with as much force as his body could muster ((AGI B and a half, but the back legs are still uninjured)). His speed wasn’t nearly enough to avoid the emerging pillar altogether, but it was enough that he wasn’t crushed flat to the roof of the dome. Both his back legs were dragged across the sharp edges on the surface of the quickly growing pillar, but they too were spared complete flattening, as they slid off of the ice and into the still intangible wall.

((I am just going to call your attack a killing blow, but make it epic. :rainbowdetermined2: ))

He tumbled through the wall, out in front of Crafter, landing on his back, eyes closed. The pillar still rose out of the top of the dome, shattering it and raining shards down all around. One large spike landed on Shadow, and his eyes shot open as he coughed up blood. Suddenly a swirl of black mist flew down from the judge’s box, clearing to reveal Luna, leaning down over Shadow.

“No, Shadow!” Luna shouted, reverting back to the Royal Canterlot Voice. “Thou must not leave us! We will not allow it!” Shadow’s ears flattened against his head, cringing in pain. Luna, tears in her eyes, lowered her voice to a whisper, “Please, Moon Shadow... don’t go...” Shadow relaxed, and took one more shaky breath, then exhaled, sighing until there was no air remaining in his lungs. “Shadow?” Luna said a bit louder. “Shadow!?”

In a flash of light, Celestia appeared next to the dark blue Alicorn. “Hold, sister,” she said, “Let me see if there is anything I can do.” She bent her head down over Shadow, lowering her horn to his brow.

Just before she touched his head, one of Shadow’s eyes open. Both Luna and Celestia stood stunned speechless, as the eye rolled to look at each of them. Then the other eye opened and a grin split his face. He sucked in a breath and let it out laughing. “You... haha. *cough* You should see the looks on your faces! *cough* Hahaha.” He lifted one hoof to his forehead, revealing the shard to have fallen between his leg and his torso, piercing his armor, but not hitting his body.

Realizing the trick that had been played on them, the Princess’ countenances underwent radical shifts. Celestia’s went blank, devoid of any emotion, while Luna’s turned to a cold rage. The deadly glare she leveled at Shadow made the ice around them look like lava by comparison. Shadow’s laughter slowed, eventually devolving into an awkward cough, and ending with an audible gulp.

Luna stared down at Shadow for a few more seconds. Then, without breaking eye contact, she spoke, addressing the tinker standing a few feet away, “Crafter, your opponent Moon Shadow is no longer able to continue the fight. As such, I declare you the victor of this match.”

“Wait!” Shadow started. “I can still fight!” He tried to push up off of the ground, but the spike through his armor pinned him down. He glared at it, then flared his horn, gathering energy... only for it to fizzle and send out a few magic sparks. He laid back down. “So... I guess the battle’s over...” His eyes glanced back at Luna and were captured there.

After several seconds, Shadow finally worked up the willpower to break eye contact. He looked over at Crafter. “Hey, you hear that? You won! yay!” His spirit didn’t really seem to be in the cheering. “So, now that we’ve fought and all, that makes us brothers in blood or something, right? So... help me out here? Maybe?” His voice changed to a loud and frantic whisper “She’s going to kill me! She’ll--”

“Oh no, no, no, my shadow.” Luna interrupted him, a hard edge in her voice, and a smile on her face that did not reach her eyes. “I am not going to kill you. In fact, I am feeling rather generous today. I think I’ll leave you with an inch of your life and an ounce of your sanity.” Luna’s tail and Mane turned to smoke as they grew and encircled the navy unicorn and alicorn. The last thing that was seen was Shadow’s pleading eyes, before the blue mist launched off into the sky, on it’s way back to Cliffcrest Castle.”

((Unfortunately, I am not going to have enough time to continue this tournament after this week, so I will have to forfeit the next round anyway. I figured that doing this would be more enjoyable than "Shadow suddenly turned, flared his horn, and walked out the side of the arena wall. He was late for an appointment." I had fun, and you were a great opponent, so that's a win in my book. Go kick their flanks, Crafter! :pinkiehappy: :yay: :flutterrage: :rainbowdetermined2: ))

615514 ((w00t. good game))

Crafter just watched in awe as Luna, followed shortly by Celestia descended onto the field. He would have bowed, but his broken knee prohibited him from doing so.

Then, Luna spoke. “Crafter, your opponent Moon Shadow is no longer able to continue the fight. As such, I declare you the victor of this match.”

Crafter was too engrossed in the Princesses' appearance to notice her decoration of victory until after they were gone.

"WOO HOO!" He yelled, cheering along with the crowed until the paramedics guided him off the field.

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