The Unity Games 103 members · 1 stories
Comments ( 206 )
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604067 ((sad face :fluttercry:))

((And now I get both the original AND the resubmit. What the hell....))

604081 604078
((At least we know who is running the mail system around here, don't we Mr. Do? or is she Mrs. Crafter? "Ditzy Crafter"... meh, that kinda works :derpytongue2: ))

604087 ((technically she's Mrs. Masonry, seeing as that's Crafter's last name :derpyderp1::pinkiehappy:))

604090 604081

((Because at this point I have lost what little faith I had in FimFic's messaging system, why don't we post here and tag the other person whenever we send a PM? That seems like it would cut down on most of this.))

((Funny story, I just sent you my ruling.))

(( K, sent you a message back.))

((Approved by: ShadowBro))
As the dagger was mere inches from the cannon, it was caught in the frigid blast and sent hurtling along with the wave. Shadow, seeing he was too late to stop the blast, again flared his horn, this time targeting the ground beneath him. Shadow dropped beneath the ground without a second to spare, feeling the freezing air sail past his mane as he barely dodged, or rather, fell, out of the way of the wave.

After a second of waiting to ensure the cannon had finished the main part of it's attack, a voice came from the shimmering ground. “I was going to save that trick,” Shadow leapt out of the hole with another dagger already drawn. There was still a chill in the air, and he shivered, but it did not slow him in his attack. “but if we are pulling out all the stops right from the get go...” He stabbed at point blank at Crafter’s relatively lightly protected neck.

((EDIT: realized I forgot to incorporate the damage I took from that little stunt.))

604139 ((aproved by shadowbro))
[reaction/reaction]: "What the-" Crafter replied as Shadow fell through the ground. When he resurfaced, dagger at the ready, Crafter yelped in pain as the dagger penetrated his armor. He took advantage of their closeness to attempt to pin him to the ground ((STR B)) while he charged the cannon for another point blank shot.

(( just curious (I don't think you would cheat) but approved by who? I would like to use the same judge if possible, now that ShadowBro is offline.

EDIT: or not.))

604304 ((oh balls forgot that))

604304((there we go, i forgot the 'approved by' line in my mental fatigue))

((Yeah, I almost forgot it last time, too.))

approved by: Rainbow Bob
Shadow’s reactions, still slowed by the lingering cold, are not quick enough to get him out of the way of Crafter’s metal legs. He is pinned to the ground under Crafter.

Shadow’s horn begins to glow, gathering energy, but for the moment nothing seems to happen.

(( I'm going to try not to solve EVERY problem with phase, even if it is my signature move. :twilightsheepish: ))

604406 ((I. actually going to bed now, insanely tired))

((Cool, see you tomorrow.))

604417((awake and ready when you are))

((I will be on in a half hour. Feel free to make your move now tho.))

605003 ((sent it to both judges in our timezone who are awake))

604406((approved by Chianlinc3))
[reaction]: Repressing the pain Crafter felt in his neck, he pressed on. Ignoring the glowing of his opponent's horn, judging that his cannon would fire before the spell was cast.

[action]: The ice cannon on his back fired, point blank, sending the chilled beam racing towards his foe.

((Sent my response.))

605150 605250
((Going to get lunch. Back by about 2:15 at the max.))

((Approved by: ShadowBro))
The cannon, again charging faster than he had thought possible, disrupted Shadow’s plan. He frantically changed tact, using the energy he had intended to fuel his teleport spell to cast an easier spell, phase, instead. The ground below the two fighters wavered. The instant he no longer felt the ground holding him, and without waiting for gravity to take hold of either of them, he kicked off his opponent’s chest, ((AGI A)) shooting downward faster than the cannon blast. As he hit the bottom of the hole, he transitioned into a roll, away from Crafter and the icy wave that pursued him.

Shadow leapt from the hollow, telekinetically drawing his dagger as he ran back towards the ice wall.

((Well, I was gonna try not to use Phase to solve everything... that lasted all of 2 seconds.))

((Back now, gone soon..... D:))
((I'll be back online by 5:30-5:45 tonight))

605294 ((approved by Chainlinc3))
[reaction]: "Son of a-" Crafter exclaimed as his opponent sunk into the ground. "Stop doing that!" He shouted at the ground.

[action]: Crafter lowered the shield, turned around and galloped to put as much distance as he could between him. Spotting a nearby pool of water, Crafter smiled as he made his way over to it.

((Message Sent))

Approved by: Chainlinc
Shadow glanced back as he approached the ice wall and saw Crafter running in the opposite direction. He sheathed the dagger he held. He flared his horn phasing the ice wall, allowing his first dagger to fall free from where it had been embedded by the ice cannon, and also letting him retrieve his short sword on the other side of the ice. Turning away, he jogged after Crafter, careful to keep far enough back that he would be able to dodge a sudden shot from the ice cannon.

As they ran, Shadow saw they were moving towards a pool of water. “Oh, this can’t be good...” His necklace glowed and more laughter echoed in his mind. “Who’s side are you on, Luna!” He shouted. Then he shut up as he glanced around, afraid that he would look the fool for yelling at air. The laughter only got louder.

605479 ((brb, heading home from a friends house))

605479 ((aaaaand back))

((Just so you know, you don't need to wait for me to respond to post your move, I can react whenever.))

605749((getting post approved))

605749 ((who knew one post could be so complicated?))

((Should Shadow be afraid?))

((I am unsure as to whether I should be reading the judge thing or not. I stopped after the first thing you tried to do, but I am oh so curious as to the outcome. :raritycry: what to do? What to do?!))

605479 ((approved by Chainlinc3))
[reaction]: Who is he talking to? Crafter thought as he reached the lake, wincing as turned, the dagger in his neck wasn't doing him any favors.

[action]: Once at the lake's edge, Crafter switched firing modes of the cannon to 'low energy beam' and took aim at his foe. Due to the low energy nature of this mode, there was no charge time needed, and the cannon let loose a torrent of rapid fire ice bolts. As he started firing, a warning light lit up inside the helmet, indicating he was starting to run low on power. Buck.

((Sent my move.))

((Just sent my message to Chainlinc; here's hoping it doesn't get dropped.))

606008 ((*raises glass*))

Approved by: Chainlinc
Fool me once... Shadow thought as he trotted towards Crafter. Fool me twice... In no time at all, the tinker had spun around, firing a barrage of spikes back at Shadow. Not gonna foo- Woah! Shadow was thankful for the space he had left himself, as he dove to the right and narrowly dodged the deadly projectiles.

Shadow eyed his opponent warily. That last shot had no warning at all. I may not be able to dodge that up close, phase or no phase. He decided to send his short sword out in a longer range attack. The sword flew towards Crafter, stabbing towards the less protected underside of the shoulder. It may not be as strong of a thrust, but it shouldn’t need much to penetrate the weaker area, and it’s far better than tempting fate a fourth time.


((I gtg; I'll be back in about an hour.))

606077 ((im assuming you dove behind cover right?))

(( I didn't know there was cover... There just seemed to be giant rock spires jutting out of the ground, which really don't make for good cover. If you would agree that I dove behind a smaller outcrop, then sure, cover. :twilightsheepish:))

606094 ((yeah, because technically im firing a mini-gun, cover would be good))

606077 ((approved by Chainlinc3))
[reaction]: Seeing his opponent jump into cover, Crafter stopped firing and began to pour his magic into the suit's power supply.

[action]: His charging of Winter's Breath, however, was cut short by the sight of a short sword racing towards him. In an act of desperation, Crafter threw himself to the side. It wasn't the most graceful dodge, but it was enough to get him out of the way. The dodge was also enough to dislodge the dagger from his neck, causing the blood to flow freely. "BUCK!!"

((hmmm. Minigun, you say... Good thing I didn't go with my first idea of closing the gap.

Also: sorry for taking so long. My family went to a few other stores when we went out to eat. ))

606807 ((i understand completely. also: here comes the alcohol :pinkiecrazy:))

((The... alcohol?

For some reason I got a strange image of Crafter chugging a bottle of whiskey and some of it coming out the wound in his throat.

I am a rather morbid person. :facehoof: ))

606982 ((Crafter prefers Vodka actually :rainbowlaugh: as for me, I prefer Mike's Hard Lemonade [black cherry flavor].))

((Approved by: ShadowBro))
That cannon... thought Shadow. That cannon is the only thing keeping me back... He peeked out from behind his cover as soon as the spikes stopped peppering his rock. He spied his short sword several feet behind Crafter, where it had landed after he threw it.

Taking the curse as his cue to act, Shadow dashed out from behind the short wall towards Crafter. His horn glowed as he snatched up the sword and brought it from behind with all the strength he could muster, aiming for the pivot connecting the cannon to the rest of the armor.

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