The Unity Games 103 members · 1 stories
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610847 ((Similar would be approximately the same direction, with maybe a one- to five-degree difference, right?))

[[Now you're just nitpicking...]]

Approval: RainbowBob

Brazen quickly morphed his armour into two spears positioned aboved the rock Sky was hiding behind, leaving only a bit left as protection on his own body, but also lightening his load allowing for a bit more mobility because he would need it. The second the spears were formed, he launched them towards his opponent, One from straight above, and the second at his left side, but still using the cover of the rock to keep the spears visual presence mostly hidden, and keeping them under his telepathic control. This put a damper on his own mobility as he needed to focus on controlling the spears.

610852 ((Yup :pinkiecrazy:))

610854 ((Once more, with what velocity? By the time it reaches Sky, what pressure will be against his armor?))

[[do you want a picture? one was launched maybe 5 degrees off of perpendicular to the ground, and the other about 45 degrees.]]

610860 ((That gives me neither velocity, force, nor pressure. I gotta know this stuff; AP Physics))

[[I took AP physics, hated it, took university physics, hated it less, took quantum physics, that shit was awesome. here is the speed, 150 m/s for both spears, technically both going -150m/s if your position is zero along all axes, and okay, good night.]]

610875 ((There's some conservation of energy formula that'll tell me the pressure, but I don't know what it is. I'll ask my physics teacher next time I see her, which will be Monday.))

[[please stahp, there's physics in play, but there is also magic, and at the moment I am properly doing both.]]

610879 ((I'm just trying to figure out if this is a high enough force applied over a low enough surface area to turn me into a unicorn shishkebab...which seems highly plausible.))

[[yes, that was the goal of the spears.]]

610884 ((Thus resulting in an actual death blow? Skysong goes kaput?))

[[Most attacks are an attempt at a death blow, of sorts, but I am not one to determine that, I will be doing that next week, as for now, you think of a way to not get hit and tell it to a judge, they should tell you if you succeed or fail.]]

610890 ((I thought most attacks were just weakening blows, you're not trying to kill your opponent.))

[[they are, but when I use the term killing blow, I mean something to end the duel, not actually kill you, each attack is meant to at least weaken, and at most end the duel, at least that's how I see it.]]

611618 ((Oooooh, that makes a ton of sense XD I'll figure out what to do now))

((I need to confirm that you're using meters per second with that velocity. Since cannonSpectacle already agreed to it, the magnitude will not be changing, but I need units to make a judgment.))

((Nevermind, ignore this))

[[yes, the units are meters/second.]]

[[Hey, the speed I said for the spears is too unrealistic, I was in a DBZ mode while in a street fight with Broken Horn's and it carried over to here, if you'd prefer I change the ridiculous speed, I can and will.]]

((OH thank God. Tell cannonSpectacle ASAP. 50 m/s is a much better number, and I'd personally prefer 48 m/s.))

[[if you read the ridiculousness of the fight I had with Broken it would be obvious why I gave the number, also I was actually buzzed at the time.]]

((Still, 150 is way too high. I would like 50 m/s, at least.))

[[I know, I told him 50m/s, so to calculate speed 10 * Int stat right? and in this case S equates to 5.]]

((Huh? I'm not sure what you mean. All I know is that 50 m/s is some velocity that's much more logical and can be dodged if you have B-level agility at range.))

[[Well intelligence equates to a spell power, so if you take a specific constant that goes for a shape and size, such as for a spear, you multiply the constant by the stat used... you know what, now I'm over thinking it, so nevermind.]]

610854 Skysong screams in agony as the two spears pierce his armor and body, injuring his intestines and just barely missing his spinal cord. As he collapses forward, his only thought is of pain.

EDIT ((Approved by ShadowBro))

[[Um did you get approval? also if that's what would happen Razor needs to be able to stop it and call the match done.]]

613741 ((I did, in fact, get approval.))

[[from who? and why isn't that a Killing Blow?]]

613748 ((It is a Killing Blow. At least, it should be.))

[[Meaning Aurus would stop it, that's how they work.]]

613758 ((Yeah...? Well, he's not dead yet, just soon. Good opportunity to declare a Killing Blow.))

[[Hold on, PMing the DM... I mean Razor.]]

Group Admin

610854, 613753
((It is.))

The spears rocketed towards Skysong, but the points never reached him as the weapons glanced off the edges of a green magic barrier that had suddenly sprung to life around him. The spears embedded themselves into the ground, the handles crossing high above him in perfect symmetry.

The barrier faded just as suddenly as it had appeared, its work done now that Skysong was safe. The green glow was already fading from Aurus' horn as all eyes turned to him, for his interference had been clear.

"Though I wish that we could see much more of this duo's strength, Skysong's life was nearly ended. In a real battle, he would have fallen to Brazen, and so by the rules of the Unity Games I am forced to declare that the match has ended. Brazen Cypher takes the round by delivering a killing blow!" he announced loudly.

No sooner had the words left his lips than the arena bust into cheers, for both the defeated and the victor.

619326 ((So...I should retcon that last post?))

Brazen nodded to Aurus and let the spears stay where they were, before approaching Skysong. Looking him in the eye, Brazen smiles, "You okay?" He asked, offering a hoof to Skysong, "Sorry about your armour," he continued as he spied the gash in the steel plate he had caused earlier, "I'll fix it right up for you, it's the least I could do after," he looks to the spears embedded in the ground, "after that," he said giving a nervous smile.

619352 Skysong grasps Brazen's hoof and pulls himself up. "You'd better," he says jokingly. "And to think, I've hunted perytons for years with that armor, and it's never failed me until now."

Brazen chuckled, "Well, I'm no peryton now am I? Anyways, you don't look too injured, but I'll walk with you to the infirmary if you need it," Brazen offered.

619408 "Thanks." Skysong looks back at the spears. "That could have turned out bad."

"Yeah, sorry about that, I put a lot more into that then I had anticipated," Brazen said with a nervous laugh before the spears melted to the ground and added to the weight on Brazen's back.

619457 "Anyway, I should probably head to the infirmary to make sure I don't get metal poisoning; I'm not sure if any flesh got taken off with that one chunk."

"Of course," Brazen said standing next to Skysong, "I'll go at your pace." I wonder how many will end up in the infirmary because of this?

[[Nah, it's just to the infirmary, I walked Cyber's character there after his match with Socratic, all in the same thread.]]

619539 ((Yeah, but there's some people in the castle infirmary to whom Sky really should apologize.))

[[okay, your lead then.]]

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