The Unity Games 103 members · 1 stories
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"Well either way that idea wouldn't be very effective against me, with the scales and all. Would probably take a lot to get through them." Arc responded

602866 Candy raised an eyebrow. "And those metal plates..?" She nodded towards one. "They must be covering something squishy, right?"

Wonderful. Now he knows our plan.

"Trust me bad idea." Arc said calmly.

602885 "Ah." Candy nodded, backing away slightly. Definitely squishy. "And...If you don't mind me asking, why would it be a bad idea?"

"Tsk, Tsk, you should know me by now. Information for Information. Preferably something of equal value." Arc responded.

602901 "If I draw your blood, I can turn it against you." Candy deadpanned.

"I suppose it will have to do." Arc said. "This however this is best demonstrated." Arc said as he brought up one of his claws and put it near the metal plate. Suddenly electricity started jumping from the plate to the claw that was next to it.

602939 "Huh." Indeed. Not to worry, I'm sure I can work around this. "I see what you mean. So just by going close to them I'm likely to get shocked, right?"

"Basically, but it doesn't have to be that simple." Arc said as he moved his claw away and the electricity died down.

602950 Candy shrugged. "Well, alright. I might find a way to beat you, I might not. Either way, it looks like it'll be an exciting match," she smiled.

"It does seem to be shaping up that way. I'm actually rather excited. This will be a new one for me. Fighting a pony that controls blood. Hopefully I will win, but I still think I'll enjoy the fight either way.... As long as Miss Silynn doesn't decide that my body would be so much better without any blood or internal organs." Arc said with a slight chuckle.

602980 Candy winced as Silynn purred. "Yeah...No, that won't be a problem. It's a non-lethal tournament...And the only way she could get your organs is by physically pulling them out, which I'm fairly sure would be prevented." She chuckled nervously.

"Well I don't know. I've seen some pretty interesting ways of removing organs. I've heard of one time where a pony got his heart taken out of him, and he didn't even realize it until his body started to die from blood loss. I'm sure it's a bit exaggerated but you never know." Arc said.

603011 Interesting. I shall have to look into this.

"You're giving her ideas again," Candy groaned.

"Yeah, well that may be good. Maybe she can figure out if it's possible or not. Because I really want to find out. The most I can do is stop a heart, but I can't remove one without cutting into them." Arc responded.

603026 Perhaps by forcing the blood inside the heart into a solid form, then pulling it right out the chest.

"Sure, I'll let you know," Candy laughed weakly.

Arc looked at Candy. "That laugh tells me that she just thought of something."

603040 "Right, of course it did." Tell him. Go on! "...She did, yes."

"Well then tell me." Arc said. "I actually really want to know."

603045 Candy sighed. "Okay. She thought perhaps that by hardening the blood specifically in the heart you could force it out telekinetically."

"Possibly, It would be easily noticed though. I'm pretty sure they would feel it before it actually happens, and that ruins the surprise of suddenly not having a heart." Arc said pondering.

603061 Shall I just let you two discuss this? I hate being a go-between.

If you like. Ask him, though.

"So...She can just speak to you directly, if I let her take over. Would that be better?"

"Possibly, It would certainly make things easier." Arc responded.

603076 Candy shrugged as she let Silynn take over. Just until the fight starts, okay?

You're no fun. Silynn blinked. "Hello," she smiled. "You are Arc, I take it? I am Silynn."

"That's right. So you're suppose to be the psychotic murderer?" Arc asked.

603086 "Reformed." Her smile remained. "And you are the mercenary?"

"Correct, but you say you are reformed and yet not a few moments ago there was a discussion about the best way to remove a heart." Arc said.

603095 "Well, you brought it up. I was just keeping the conversation going."

"True, but your the one who came up with an actual way to remove the heart." Arc said.
((Have to go for a short bit. Will be back pretty soon, half-an-hour tops.))

603114 "I displayed interest." Silynn tossed her head. "And they were merely suggestions. It's not as if anyone but a blood mage could put them into practise," she giggled.

((I'm back))
"Well you are a blood mage, and from what I've heard I think that if given the chance you would actually enjoy ripping someone's heart out. I know I would... as long as I got paid."

603222 "Well, it would be a new experience. I can't say it would be fun exactly, not until I've tried it at least." She grinned.

[[It's really late for me and I have college tomorrow, so can we put this on hold please?]]

((Okay with me. I just got back from my lamb and am about to have dinner anyway. I have school tomorrow as well so I may not be posting as early as I did today. But this certainly has been a fun conversation. I look forward to continuing it.))

603249 [[Likewise. Night then :twilightsmile:]]

Group Admin

601663, 601916
((I am opening this duel. You may now fight one another. Please follow this link to see the list of judges.

You must conclude your duel, either by killing blow (judge's rule), forfeit, or voting decision. A vote will be held by default in the event that the duel is not completed by 12:00 a.m. [-5:00 GMT] on Saturday [1/12/2013].

Fight with honor!))

Aurus rose from his seat suddenly, drawing a hush over the crowd and ready combatants alike. His smile was one of excitement, and it was clear from the tone that ventured forth from his throat that he was just as eager as those in the stands who were barely repressing their words to hear him speak.

"It is clear that you are all excited to see this match, and I an right there with you! Lets not delay, and commence the battle, one which I am sure will be monumental. This duel between Arc and Candy should not be taken lightly. Not now, or ever in the future, as this will be a moment of history to be remembered gloriously for ages to come!"

The crowd roared in excitement, stilling once more for Aurus' final words before the unleashing of this once-in-a-lifetime event.

"Begin the match!"

The deafening roars that followed drowned out the trailing of even his mighty voice, and any hope that the clash of steel or a blast of magic had to be heard.

602843 A sigh of annoyance 'Great. It's the top of the garbage pail.' FireStarter did not even look at Broken Horn's general direction. "Go. Away.", She said, putting emphasis on each word. 'Goawaygoawaygoaway...'

[[Approved by Garion.]]

Silynn returned control over to Candy while Aurus was giving his speech, allowing her ample time to recuperate from the dizziness their switching often caused. With a shake of her head, she regained her focus, narrowing her eyes at the dragon before her.

As soon as she was able, Candy drew her scalpel, pulling the blade across her foreleg, an action so practised she didn’t even flinch at the sting. Stowing away her scalpel as the blood began to flow, she lit up her horn to pull the liquid up and mold it into a weapon. She smiled slightly as the familiar crescent blade formed, before returning her attention to her opponent, wary for his first move.

Blink stretched he wasn't sure when he fell asleep, or what time it was currently, but he knew the fight hadn't happened yet, because Mr. Punchy would've woken him up, or Arc would've intentionally fired a stray bolt at him, one of the two.
((Seriously guys, I commend your abilities to pass the time))

Arc looked at his opponent who had created a weapon from her blood right infront of him. He stood up but instead of drawing his weapon he instead extended his claw in the intention of giving Candy a claw/hoof shake before the fighting began. "I wish you the best of luck." He said.

"Aw, all I wanted to do was sit right next to ya," Broken happily replied, leaning back in his seat and giving her a grin. "Besides, ya look like ya can use the company."

605577 "No. No I don't." she deadpanned in response. "I'm pretty sure I was enjoying being here. Alone. With no annoying maggots squirming around.", She hissed with a controlled but annoyed tone.

"Annoying maggot? Is that seriously the best attempt at an insult ya got? Come on girly, ya must have somethin' better than that," Broken teased, poking her shoulder with his elbow.

[[Approved by Garion.]

Candy wondered why Arc had chosen to waste time talking instead of readying for the battle. Still, she was focused on the offensive, and the first strike was always important in any fight. Go for the kill. This is too perfect an opportunity, Silynn snapped. I know, Candy replied irritably.

Candy focused her magic into driving the weapon forwards, towards her opponent, aiming for the throat. Specifically, the carotid artery, which if pricked, just a little, would cause him to bleed to death in a matter of minutes, if not seconds, but at the very least it would slow him down. Seeing the opportunity Candy took it, and lifted her knife as quick as she could in a move that is called a ‘bluff hook’. (( Its used by boxers to overcome quick instinct and not give them time to react, because their brain doesn’t register the movement before it is too late Evidence: Here)) In a quick, precision jab using her arm as a straight instrument instead of bending it for a more powerful hit.

605592 "Go away, you thick headed,miserable, ugly, annoying, perverse, disarmed, foul mouthed, bad breathed, insufferable, worthless, and most importantly, hornless bastard child of a bastard mother and let me watch the match. In. Peace!", FireStarter growled, venting some of her frustration. "And for the record, because your rotten peanut of a brain can't understand it, I am STILL male!"

605614 ((Actually, the jugular is only fatal if an air bubble gets into the bloodstream, causing a heart attack.))

605622 [[Thanks. You and Google have my back :pinkiehappy:]]

Broken just continued to smile, not even flinching during the tirade. "First off, that's more I like it. And second, I may be blind in one eye, but even I can see ya ain't got a wanker. Ya a woman, and a rather fine lookin' one at that."

605627 ((yeah, the phrase "go for the jugular" actually refers to the neck in general being a weak spot on most animals.))

605642 FireStarter snapped for a split second "I AM NOT FEMALE!", She shouted from the top of her lungs.

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