The Unity Games 103 members · 1 stories
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602473 ((I don't wanna fight this guy, Sky would freeze up like a deer in headlights))

602484 "Well, my name is Candy Cane, and you could hardly say blood magic is sweet," she muttered.

Seriously. I think I have this.


...Tell you later.

"Well that was a name you were given before you found out about your power right? My name came after I started working with lightning." Arc said.

602487 ((you make sure you beat this guy so Sky doesn't need to fall victim to his astraphobia.))

((Don't worry I'll find some way to scare you even if I lose. Now that I know I will find you no matter where you hide or how far you run... Or I could just sit here and do nothing. I think I like the second idea better. Not as much work.))

602509 ((you wouldn't have to do much to scare Skysong. Because of the way his dad died, he has an extremely severe phobia of lightning. That's what astraphobia is.))

602494 "True," Candy admitted. She didn't want to mention Silynn yet. "But...Hold on, do you mean to say you spent a portion of your life without a name?"

"Well after I left home I kind of gave up my real name. I never told it to anyone. Eventually after doing a short show for a group of children they gave me that as a nickname since they didn't know my real name, and it just stuck. As far as I know the only two that even know my real name are myself and my mother."

602529 Candy frowned. "That's...Kinda sad."

"Doesn't bother me that much. I like Arc a lot more than my old name."

602537 Candy nodded. "I won't pry. Arc's a nice name, anyway."

"You won't hear any argument from me." Arc said as he held up his claws and allowed the streaks of lightning to shoot from one claw to the other and back again.

602547 Candy giggled. "Now you're just showing off."

"Maybe I am maybe I'm not." Arc said as he closed his claws making the lightning disappear. "But truthfully if I wanted to show off there is something much more spectacular I can do."

602554 Candy raised an eyebrow. "Are you going to show me or keep me guessing?"

"Hey I showed you the lightning because you told me about your power. If you want to find out it's going to cost you. It doesn't even need to be about your power. I enjoy learning any information, ranging from stories to different demonstrations of strength. Information is information." Arc responded. He was a mercenary after all. He can't do everything for free.

602567 Candy narrowed her eyes. "Okay. I have a split personality that helps me with my magic occasionally. Does that count?"

Idiot! You just lost your secret weapon!

"A split personality? Now that is interesting information. I certainly say that's worth it." Arc said with a hint of surprise. Arc stood up to his full height. He looked up at the sky again and took a deep breath. He opened his mouth and an even larger bolt of lightning shot out of his mouth streaking towards the sky the sound of a thunder clap sounded as it shot out. He moved his claws up to the bolt and drove them into the bolt. He pulled his claws apart and the large bolt split into two. He then spread out the different fingers on his claws and the two bolts split into even more separate bolts. As this happened he closed his mouth and brought both of his claws together bringing the different bolts with them. The sudden loss of it's source caused the lightning to ripple and dissipate into the air with sparks glowing from where the lightning had been not moments before.

602602 Candy stared, her mouth open even wider than the first time. "Well, I'm screwed." She announced.

Arc gave a small chuckle. "I wouldn't worry as much. That's mainly just for show. It isn't very practical for use in a fight. It's too easy to see it coming, but yet again you have gained my interest about this split personality of yours." Arc said as he sat back down.

602614 Candy sighed, reassured. "It really is impressive, though. Scary, too."

"Possibly." Arc said. "but about your split personality. How does that work exactly? I've never met anyone who had a split personality before."

602622 Candy resumed her smirk. "Ah, but that would be telling. At best, I could show you, but I think I'll save it for the fight." She paused. "Well alright, maybe a few questions. For your first one of how it works, I am not entirely sure myself. It was a slow emergence, that much I can say."

"Interesting, but I expect that both you and your other personality don't both go by Candy Cane though, so does your other personality have her own name or is it just a subconscious thing?" Arc asked

602641 Candy nodded, smiling. In the back of her mind, so was Silynn. "Her name is Silynn. As far as I know, it's a name she chose for herself."

"Silynn... That is really interesting. You said that she helps you with your magic. How does she do that? Does she help channel the magic through you, or is it something simpler like just telling you what would be a good decision to do?" Arc asked.

602652 "Both, I guess. She's better at it, for whatever reason. She's been sort of teaching me."

"I expect that she's better at it possibly because both her and your power were dormant for a long time before you discovered them. Chances are she might have known about it and you for much longer then you knew about them." Arc suggested. "I don't know for sure, but to me it seems rather logical."

602666 Candy regarded him. He's pretty good, Silynn observed.
"That does make a lot more sense than my old theory of her being born when I discovered my powers," she admitted.

"Well who really knows. My idea is still just a theory too. For all we know it could be something completely different." Arc said with a shrug.

602677 "Maybe. But that's the best I have to go on so far, so I'll stick with it. Thank you," she smiled.

I almost don't want to take him down now. I feel like I know me better now.


Well, yeah, he's still going to be crushed. But you know what I mean.

"No problem, but there is one more thing I want to ask you. Every so often you seem to kind of space out. Like your not all there and you just seem to stare at nothing. What's up with that?" Arc asked.

602697 "Oh," Candy blushed. "Probably just me and Silynn having a chat. Sorry for being rude," she mumbled.

"A chat? You can just talk to her just like that?" Arc asked.

602707 "Well, yeah," Candy scoffed. She realised this and went back to being meek. "I mean, she lives in my head and all, so we can hear each other and...Stuff."

"That must get annoying sometimes. Never really having just a moment to yourself." Arc said.

602717 "It's...Not that bad. She's kind of me anyway, so it's really just talking to myself..." Candy blushed deeper.

"I guess, So how long have you known that she's been in your head?" Arc asked.

602744 "Well...Since about a week or so ago. At first she was working against me or whatever, trying to kill stuff, but I got her under control."

You're twisting the story and you know it.

"She was trying to kill least tell me there was some profit involved." Arc responded.

602762 Candy shook her head. "Nope. Maybe she might have got more powerful or something, but otherwise I think it was just bloodlust."

"Now that I frown upon. killing for the sake of killing. Just the idea of it disappoints me." Arc said shaking his head.

602776 Ugh. And I thought he was cool.

"Exactly, you see why I had to get her under control."

"I can, Did she at least try to do it in a spectacular fashion?" Arc asked.

602789 Candy hummed. "Well, sort of. The first time was a set of sentient armour and blades that attacked anyone that got close to me. The second was one blade, less armour, but she had control over my body too."

"Well I guess that's an interesting way to kill. With your power though I would expect an explosion would be quite possible though. Use a few blood needles impale your opponent and then spread out your blood through their body then just keep pushing out until they go pop." Arc said with a claw under his chin. "And I'm rambling on about killing aren't I? I'm sorry about that sometimes being a mercenary just gives you a different frame of mind."

602833 Candy smirked. "You're just giving her ideas, you know that, right?"

Good ones, too. Let's see if we can use them against him, it'll be ironic.

"Well hello there good lookin'. Come here often?" Broken Horns asked, the minotaur jumping into the seat next to her.

"Well yes but about killing, This is suppose to be a friendly competition." Arc said. After a slight pause. "But considering what you've told me about her so far I don't think that really matters much to her, does it?

602853 Candy scowled. "She knows to keep herself in check. Besides," she brightened. "She's very...Let's say creative. She could work out a way to keep those ideas non-lethal."

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