The Unity Games 103 members · 1 stories
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Group Admin

If both duelists involved would kindly let me know that they are ready, this duel can begin. If one of the dueling parties does not report in (ready or otherwise) before Wednesday [1/9/2013], they will forfeit the match. If neither report in, both will forfeit.

Whether you are ready or not, please make it known in an ((OOC)) post here in this thread.

This duel was concluded [1/14/2013] with Glassed as the victor by majority vote.

((I'm ready to begin, but won't actually be posting until later this evening. And I'll most likely be doing this while working on a group project for a class. Yay for priorities.))

Group Admin

((As stated in the blog, I just need to know you'll show up at all. Also, your profile pic still to this day makes me laugh.))

((Glassed reporting for duty sir! *salutes*))

Group Admin

((Excellent, you two go down in history as the first ready duel. You early-birds you. Anyways, I will open this duel up with Aurus sometime later today, as work is currently calling my name. I can't have you start yet, because I haven't posted the list of judges, so there would be nobody to send your posts to. Sorry for the additional wait, but you will be able to start this afternoon/evening guaranteed. :twilightsmile:))

Group Admin

601559, 601591
((I am opening this duel. You may now fight one another. Please follow this link to see the list of judges.

You must conclude your duel, either by killing blow (judge's rule), forfeit, or voting decision. A vote will be held by default in the event that the duel is not completed by 12:00 a.m. [-5:00 GMT] on Saturday [1/12/2013].

Fight with honor!))

Aurus rose from his seat suddenly, drawing a hush over the crowd and ready combatants alike. His smile was one of excitement, and it was clear from the tone that ventured forth from his throat that he was just as eager as those in the stands who were barely repressing their words to hear him speak.

"It is clear that you are all excited to see this match, and I an right there with you! Lets not delay, and commence the battle, one which I am sure will be monumental. This duel between Runt and Solace should not be taken lightly. Not now, or ever in the future, as this will be a moment of history to be remembered gloriously for ages to come!"

The crowd roared in excitement, stilling once more for Aurus' final words before the unleashing of this once-in-a-lifetime event.

"Begin the match!"

The deafening roars that followed drowned out the trailing of even his mighty voice, and any hope that the clash of steel or a blast of magic had to be heard.


Runt cracked his neck and joints while listening to Aurus's speech.

"Right, let's just get this over with shall we?" He looked to ((601559)) Solace who seemed to do a few stretches on his own. "So a dragon huh? Gonna be different from the usual don-on-dog fight. Hell, maybe he'll actually be a challenge."

" this will be a moment of history to be remembered gloriously for ages to come!" Aurus continued, the crowd letting out a roar of excitement.

"Remembered gloriously?" Runt muttered to himself. Somehow having been put in the first fight in the tournament, he couldn't help himself. He grinned under his helmet. "Remembered gloriously, huh? I'll give'em something tah remember!"

He gave a nod to Solace in the direction of Aurus, hoping he would understand.

((It's getting late, I'll return after a good night's rest.))

((More prefight banter))

Solace smirked and let out a small chuckle, understanding what his opponent meant. He readied himself, spreading his wings.

"This one's clever. Perhaps fighting a Dog won't be as dull as I believed." He said to himself.

He began walking towards ((603564)) Runt, picking up speed and eventually lifting off of the ground until he accelerated at him with a decent speed.

'I know you know what this is, Dog. You know what to do next.' He thought to himself as he neared Runt.

((Even more prefight banter))

Runt began walking towards Solace, a walk with quickly turned into a run.

"Begin the match!" It came from Aurus.

The crowd let out another roar as Runt and ((603769)) Solace got closer. Runt drew his fist back like he could see Solace doing, preparing to 'start' the tournament for real.

Just as the crowd's cries of excitement had die down, Runt punched will all his might. His punch meet Solace own strike. The entire stadium was quiet for but a fraction of a second.

From the clash of the fists, a shock-wave formed and spread throughout the arena. The water rippled, the grass danced and the earth itself shook. The spectators felt the wave hit them like, thankfully, nothing more than a slight breeze from that distance.

Those who managed to close their jaws began hollering, even louder than before.

The first strike of the Unity Games has been deal. And it would be remembered gloriously.

((Alright, I think we're done acting awesome, let's get to acting awesome-er!))

((Kicks back in his tanning-chair. Offers a drink to 603365 beside him. "Welp, who knows how long we've gotta wait for this to begin? might as well kick back and chillax."))


Approved by: SwiftEthan

((Sorry, things have been pretty hectic these last couple of days. I've been getting home a little bit later than usual, but I'm set to get started.))

After having their punches connect, both Solace and Runt remained still for a few moments, neither one making a move. Both the fighters simply remained locked in a struggle to stand their ground. After a few more moments, it became obvious to Solace that he would not be able to remain there for much longer, as his fist slowly began to be pushed down.

'This isn't good. I won't be able to hold him much longer.' Solace thought to himself 'I've got to get some distance between us'

Thinking quickly, Solace opened his wings completely and gave them a powerful, or at least as powerful as he could, flap in an attempt to push his opponent back with a gust of wind and dust. This did nothing but slide Runt a few inches, at the most, away from him.

This did, however, manage to lift Solace off of the ground and give him the chance to create some space between him and the armored hound in front of him. With him getting himself in the air above Runt, Solace was able to get some breathing room and think about his next move.

((Completely understandable dude, no worries.))

Approved by: Crafter

Runt coughed from a small amount of dust that had risen from 606585 Solace's take-off. He looked up at the flying gecko and sneered. From where he was at the moment, he wouldn't be able to hit him.

"No way in hell am I gonna let ya do that." He growled.

Runt looked around for something that could help him. Nothing that would get Runt airborne that's for sure. Even the tall spikes didn't go high enough. "Well, if I can't go tah him..."

He picked up two rocks, both the size of his palms. Taking aim, he hurled one of the rocks towards Solace's right wing, hoping to bring him down or, at the very least, annoy him enough to bring the fight to him.


Approved by: RainbowBob

As Solace continued to watch Runt from above, he saw him pick up two small object and then throw one at him. As it came closer, he realized a decently sized rock was going straight for his wings.

Barely dodging the rock, he looked back to the Dog below him, "Did he just... throw a rock at me?" Solace said aloud to himself. "Why would he throw something like a rock at that distance? No matter, if he want's a fight on the ground that badly, I'll give it to him."

Solace began his decent back to the ground below, eventually landing several feet in front of Runt. "I thought I was fighting a Dog, not some pup who would be throwing stones. If you want to do that, however, I'll gladly oblige."

After saying that, he turned to a nearby boulder and tore a large watermelon sized chunk of stone from it and lobbed it at Runt. "Fetch, Dog."


((Alright, let's just go with it for now.))

(Approved by: Nathan Traveler)

Runt growled to himself at the missed throw. Noticing the curved throw by Solace, Runt simply stepped to the side and the rock missed. The melon-sliced rock skipped a few times on the ground and ended a few meters behind him.

He turned to Solace. "Says da overgrown lizard who fled with his tail between his legs at the first chance he got!" He flipped him the bird.

Runt charged directly at Solace, intending to get closer to him.


Approved by: Garion, ShadowBro

"Fled, eh?" Solace yelled to the Dog rushing him. "That's a bold statement, calling a dragon a coward."

As Runt continued to charge at him, Solace inhaled deeply. Once his opponent was close enough, Solace exhaled, letting out a blast of frost and ice. He kept this up for as long as he could, hoping to keep Runt at a more suitable distance.

If his blast of ice made contact on Runt's armor, frost began to visibly form. It wasn't quite strong enough to freeze him over, but it would hopefully slow him down considerably.

(Approved by: inoeitall)

"Maybe, but that's what happened ain't it? Ya fled like a fledgling!" He yelled over the assault from the frost.

Runt could feel the chill from the ice-breath. Having trouble continuing his charge, he stopped up and took careful aim. With his last remaining rock, he threw as hard as he could at the gaping mouth of the dragon.

"Fetch, ya damn lizard!"


Approved by: Crafter

Not realizing what was happening, Solace failed to stop the rock, which was also frosted over, from pelting him in the mouth. Time seemed to slow down for Solace as he stumbled backwards and fell to the ground. He quickly picked himself up, wiping the blood from his snout.

"Throwing stones again, pup? How about you start fighting like a real Dog?"

Solace gave a hard flap of his wings, bringing himself into the air a few feet above Runt. Immediately after, he dived down, heading straight for the Dog below.


((Ehm, quick question: Alright, the rock was slightly bigger than Runt's paw... where the heck did it go and how did it hit his snout if he was gaping wide? Just having a hard time seeing what happened here...))


((I figured it has a better chance of just hitting him than going into his mouth. For one, Solace was still breathing ice, meaning there was a force pushing the rock slightly. That would kind of change it's direction, at least a little. Plus, I don't think the rock would really go into Solace's mouth, either. If it's as big as Runt's paw, then that's a pretty decent size. And Solace's mouth, or head for that matter, isn't necessarily all that big. His head is a lot longer than it is large. Sorry if my post didn't really make a whole lot of sense or if I left anything out that I should've put in.))

612781 ((Right, guess I can understand that. Didn't know exactly how big he was. Although that brings me to something else. This part:

bringing himself into the air a few feet above Runt. Immediately after, he dived down, heading straight for the Dog below.

Idk, but it seems like your idea of a 'foot' is off. It's making it incredibly hard to know how far away you are. 'A few feet above Runt' and then diving? I don't know man, it's like doing a dive in the shallow end of the pool. I don't need anything specific like, down to the very last centimeter, but more than something that makes it sound like he's within was also why I thought that Runt was rather close so his throw would hit.))


((To be honest, it was supposed to seem like diving into the shallow end. By this point, Solace is a bit agitated and impatient. Anyways, 'a few feet' was more or less meant to be maybe 5 or 6 feet. I meant for it to be a quick ascent then dive.))

(Approved by: Nathan Traveler)

Seeing 612694 Solace a few feet above him and getting close, Runt planted his legs firmly in the ground and pulled back his fist.

When Solace was about 3ft away, Runt threw his fist forward as hard as he could, intending to strike him with the added momentum of the dive.


Approved by: ShadowBro

Even though he saw Runt throw a punch, Solace continued his dive. It was too late to back off. As he finally reached him, Runt's fist smashed into Solace's jaw. He still continued with all he could, colliding with the armored Dog, knocking them both to the ground.

Solace and Runt both slid across the ground until they both came to a stop. As he looked over to Runt, Solace could see that he was already recovering. He pushed himself up off the ground, and as he did, he felt a pain in his left wing.

'Okay, perhaps that wasn't the best of ideas. At least he'll finally get what he wanted.'

Solace turned to Runt who was already facing him. He dropped to all fours and began running at the Dog in a zig-zagging pattern as fast as he could. As he closed the distance between them, Solace jumped into the air and swiped his tail at Runt.

614618 ((Pardon me once more, can you specify if the swipe is diagonal or horizontal? Just wanna be sure.))


((Sorry, should have added that. My bad. It's a diagonal swipe.))


(Approved by: Nathan Traveler and inoeitall)

Runt shook his head. The punch, while having had the effect he wanted to, hadn't gone exactly as planned. Granted if a 8ft tall dragon was diving towards you and you decided to meet it with your fist, then perhaps you should consider what came after that.

"As if..." Runt muttered to himself after his ears was free of dust.

He saw Solace zigzagging towards him and jumped into the air once more. Solace's tail swooped down in an axe-swipe. Runt steeled himself and put his paws out in front of him.

As the tail hit him, he grabbed it as hard as he could. The hit shook him hard and he slid back, his backpaws digging into the ground, still gripping the tail.

As he was right below Solace, he turned around and pulled the tail as hard as he could, the momentum helping him throw the big dragon into the ground.


Approved by: Kapuchu

As he hit the ground, Solace became short of breath. He could still feel Runt's grip on his tail, so he began to whip it wildly in the hopes of him letting go. All this did, however, was create a large plume of dirt and dust around the two combatants.

Lifting his head, Solace and Runt were staring dead at each other.

"I think you've gotten a bit too close to the fire, Dog." Solace said.

Using his tail, Solace tried to pull Runt closer and let out a small stream of fire aimed directly into Runt's chest. Although it only lasted a few seconds, Solace hoped it would have the desired affect.


(approved by: SwiftEthan)

Runt could feel the flames licking at his chest plate. A small amount of steam appeared from the fire hitting the small layer of frost that was still there from Solace's earlier attack. Even as the last bit of frost was gone, the temperatures inside his suit wasn't anything he couldn't shrug off.

"Why thank ya kindly! it was getting kinda cold in 'ere!" Runt growled.

As if acting like a broken record, Runt once more punched him as hard as he could, fist hurtling straight towards Solace's jaw.


Approved by: SwiftEthan

Desperate to stop Runt's attack, Solace opened his jaw and caught the Dog's fist just as it was about to connect. The force of the punch was still felt, and Solace's jaw cracked a bit from it. Even then, Solace didn't let go.

He kept biting down on the Dog's fist, hoping that it would at least make him pull away. As he did this, Solace used his legs to try to kick at Runt's in an attempt to knock him over. While doing this, he could hear a crunching sound, though he couldn't tell if it was Runt's armor or his own teeth.


(Approved by: Nathan Traveler)

Runt could hear the sound of something cracking. He wasn't sure just what was going on inside the dragon's jaw, but he didn't care. If it was the teeth cracking, then that was fine. If it was his armor cracking, even better.

Just one more step towards getting the armor off.

He let his body thrust forward in an attempt to get his paw even further inside Solace's mouth and grab his uvula.


Approved by: subjekt omega

Solace's eyes widened as he realized what Runt was doing. He could feel his arm going deeper into mouth despite him biting down on it. He bit down even harder, causing his jaw to hurt from Runt's armor. He jerked his his head from side to side, hoping to yank the Dog to the ground.

While doing this, he brought his claws up and grabbed Runt's shoulders, pushing him back. With this, his crazy head jerking turned into an attempt at tearing the Dog apart.


(Approved by: Nathan Traveler)

Runt tried his best to move with the dragon's head. He vaguely felt his shoulder hurting from the thrashing. Not that the simple idea of pulling out came to his mind of course. At the moment he was too angry to think about anything rational.

"Would! You! STOP! That!" He yelled.

Gripping the dragon's angled jawline, he pulled the head towards him as hard as he could and tried once more to grip the uvula with his other paw.


Approved by: ShadowBro

'Would you get your filthy paw out of my mouth!' Solace yelled in his mind, unable to speak with Runt's paw crammed down his throat.

As Runt went deeper into his mouth, Solace began to get more desperate and more angry. His head began shaking much more rapidly and he began to constantly bite down on Runt's paw rather than hold it in place.

He could still hear the crunching of what, at this point, he assumed was his teeth and jaw. The pain in his jaw was only made worse with his head movements. He could only hope that Runt would either succeed or fail with whatever he was attempting.

His claws were still holding Runt's shoulders, and he began dig them into his armor, hoping to pierce it. He could hear the screeching from his claws against the metal as it scraped against it.


(Approved by: Nathan Traveler)

Runt could feel the pressure on his shoulder. While he admired the dragon's tenacity and secretly hoped that Solace would break the damned thing, he knew that it couldn't be done as easily as that.

He'd tried.

Hearing the sound of crushed teeth, a sound he was surprisingly familiar with, he cursed his armor again. Why the hell wouldn't it just come off?!

With a final yank, he grabbed Solace's uvula and gave it a hard tug. "Let's see what ya had for breakfast, huh?"

Group Admin


Group Admin


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