The Unity Games 103 members · 1 stories
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((Approved by ShadowBro))
((As per our PMs, I adjusted for the confusion over whether or not Mist was invisible by having you make the same charge, but blindly, on the basis of "SOMETHING JUST PUNCHED ME IN THE NUTS AND WENT THAT WAY" logic.))
Mist was nearing her limits, magic-wise. Still, she just needed to hold out her invisibility spell a little longer, and her opponent should finish bleeding out and go down for the count.

When Broken Horns whirled about with a scream of bloodlust and charged, she panicked. Had he seen her? Had she made some sound to give herself away? COULD HE SMELL FEAR?

Operating on pure reflex, she threw herself from his path, landing roughly to the side as he thundered by. The realization that he hadn't, in fact, spotted her flooded her mind with relief, but she couldn't relax just yet.

After all, Broken had exposed his back to her, and his spine looked like such a tempting target as it stood out against the bulging muscles that rippled with every step he took. Quickly scrambling back to her feet, she dropped her invisibility illusion-- she wouldn't need it for the moment. Gathering mana, she fired off a salvo of three magical blasts at Broken's spine as he continued his berserk charge away from her.

615590((Approved by Crafter))
Hearing a thud beside him, Broken Horns stopped in his tracks, dirt collecting in huge mounds as his hooves nearly fell from beneath him as he slid. And just in time too, as the image of his opponent appeared to his side. Along with three magic blasts aimed right at him. Roaring for the need for bloodlust he swung his axe on instinct, one of the blasts deflected on the double sided blade right back at Mist at a diminished energy level. The remaining two hit him square on, one on his armored right shoulder, and another on his chest. He barely stumbled back as his rage soared to new, twisted heights. He needed death, and Mist was the only candidate at the moment.

He finally lost his old warrior's instinct, now fully and completely lost to his animal side. He threw his axe with the strength of a dragon's jaws right at Mist, the dual blades glimmering in the sunlight as its deadly arc came closer and closer to her. Attempting to take another step he fell to his knees. While his berserk mode made him near invulnerable to pain, his body still followed basic procedures, and right now his legs were toast and bleeding bad. But his arms were still functional...

He ran at her with his arms, his hands ripping out chunks of the while his legs dragged behind him collecting a river of blood. He was making surprisingly good speed, given that his bulging biceps and venomous anger were the things driving him. He wasn't as fast as when he charged forward normally, but his new found incredible strength due to his berserk mode caused him to still eat up the yards with each pull of the earth he made. Veins nearly popped out of his body, his muscles were tearing themselves apart, and his heart was beating more adrenaline than blood at this point. But he wouldn't stop, wouldn't rest, unless she was dead or he was too. Hate is what he was running on, an emotion that drove him each day. Hate for every sicko on the streets, hate for the world he lived in, and most of all, hate for himself for the deaths of everyone he loved. And Mist hit him harder than any sword or hammer could. She used his family against him, twisting and distorting his already ravaged mind to go over the breaking point. And that breaking point now included Mist's face when he was done with her.

((Approved by ShadowBro))
((Full disclosure: just realized that some things were weird with my paragraph structure and resolved them. Content-wise, nothing has changed since I got it approved, so I'm not going to bounce this to ShadowBro again just for structural issues.))

Mist Shimmer leaped aside from the deflected blast of magic-- having seen Broken use his axe once before, she had been ready for the possibility of a reflection.

The axe flying towards her face was another issue entirely. She had never truly expected Broken to part with it, and thus never considered its potential as a thrown weapon. On reflex, she reached out with telekinesis to catch the hurled weapon, but quickly realized she would be unable to stop it in time and threw herself to the side. Her agility, it turns out, wasn't quite enough to protect her entirely, and one of the axe's blades tore a long cut under her right eye as it flew past her before burying itself in the earth behind her.

Mist stared down at the crippled minotaur, pulling himself along the ground towards her with only his hands. All things considered, he was making rather good time considering the amount of dead weight he was hauling behind him, but... one can only go so fast using such non-conventional means. She was vaguely aware that she should feel threatened, but couldn't find it in herself to be frightened of the broken creature before her.

The gash on Mist's face continued to dribble her blood in a slow but steady river, trickling into her mouth and down her face. Its taste shocked her out of her reverie, and she began to gather the last dregs of her mana for one final blast to end this fight-- Broken's head made an excellent target as he approached. Her horn began to glow, her face set in grim determination.

Abruptly, a wicked grin crossed her face, and she allowed the glow to falter and fade. Her horn glowed softly as she levitated Broken Horns' axe back to her and carefully balanced it across her shoulders.

And then she turned from him, and trotted away.

617512((Approved by ShadowBro and Dracmatais))
Broken had bloody foam dribbling from his lips and he struggled to catch up with the mare. But no matter how much he pulled himself, digging his hands in the earth in shovel loads, he couldn't keep up. And now his berserk mode was on its last legs, literally, and he could feel his fury leave his body. In a couple of seconds, he was going to collapse. So he may as well as collapse on his opponent.

Giving one final haul with a two handed pull he lifted his body on his enormous hands, a hand stand where his head was tucked into his chest. Using his momentum and a final push of his strength he launched himself in the air by propelling his arms down and up, his body lifting a few feet in the air due to his unbelievable strength. His body came directly behind Mist as both his fists launched out to grab ahold of her back and his axe, her one mistake being never turn your back on your opponent. Especially when your opponent was as crazy and pissed as Broken Horns. As he was mid air his berserk mode finally failed him, and he could feel his body shutting down.

((Approved by ShadowBro))
((Feeling a little bit brutal right now. >_>))


Mist trotted on her way out of the field, listening to the rhythmic thump-drag, thump-drag, thump-drag of her beaten foe giving chase. Abruptly, they stopped, replaced briefly by a low grunt-- she couldn't tell if it was a grunt of strain or exhaustion, but the axe was getting heavy anyway and she honestly didn't want to keep carrying it.

With a the last of her mana, she spun the axe on her back until the spiked end faced directly behind her, lifted the cloak on her hood up onto her head, and launched the weapon forward with as much force as she could muster.

619376((Approved by ShadowBro))
Broken was nearly spent. He was only awake because of the last dregs of his berserk mode. But he still had to go on before he was knocked out. And now his axe was coming directly at him. Too late to dodge. The pike sunk into the bicep of his right arm, but at this point he didn't even feel the pain. His target was the only thing on his mind.

There was Mist, and here he came. His arms were still spread wide to catch her if she tried to dodge, he ducked his head down, his horns now aimed at her backside. He was falling fast, his heavy body mass dragging him to the ground quickly. If his weight didn't kill her, he made sure his metallic horns would. If he was going to lose, he was taking her with him. And with his dark decent into unconsciousness as he was directly over his opponent, he whispered, "Eat... metal."

((Approved by Shadowbro))

((Because the axe was fired directly behind her and hit him in the right bicep))

Mist herd a heavy thump a little to her side and felt something heavy impact her rear legs. After staggering forwards a few steps to catch herself, she turned to see what the hell had happened. It looked as if Broken had attempted to throw himself at her, but judging by where his axe had embedded itself, he had failed to orient himself correctly in his rage, throwing himself significantly to her side. From there, the axe had put him into a spin, causing most of his torso to land next to her and his right shoulder to crash into her flank.

Regardless, he didn't seem to be moving.

After staring at him in silent contemplation for a moment, Mist turned around, and resumed walking from the arena.

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