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Hi all.

My friend Julian found this document - titled "RimWorld universe backstory". I think this corresponds to . I found some ideas (like psychology simulation) interesting, but ...combat-combat, combat ! :( I'm very tired of ways how our dominant civ makes even thinking truely outside of its box nearly impossible - because if you want some popularity you tweak your ideas down to acceptable levels, and this mean, at least in my views. Oh, well, but while I was fussing about all this unescapeability of our technosavage 'culture' - I recalled one idea from myself. What if events in game are generated from real-world newsfeeds (textual)? This way you are not out of touch with your base reality, and can try few things at your real level of experitize/communication/connections before trying them in real-world. requires some accurate modelling and different priorities ("yes, lost of just one life to suicide/crime IS tragedy"). Surely not usual ego-petting of computer games ("be a superhero!") - but IMO much more needed today than usual "escapism I". (I think some type escapism is useful - if it allow you to see things you were forced to be blind to in our base reality - but not to the point of inaction in said base reality)

Another article ...
What if video games could help fight climate change? No, really

The games of today still often focus on victory at all costs. A growing collaboration between scientists and game developers could mean the games of the future take realism to a whole new level

- by Karn Bianco
Thursday 6 September 2018

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