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491739 Actually yes, I did. :moustache:

I don't have the heart to pawn this group off on you. Invite somebody random to dump it on.


491788 This group is too awesome to just dump it. :trollestia:
BTW, I will have to find a way to post threads with no actual name. Maybe disabling JS will help.

I suppose you could hold secret conversations only accessible or to either those talking or those with above pre-school computing skills and a fuck load of free time.


491798 Since when did I need a reason to do anything?

BTW,I fucking love my new avatar, it works as the best emoticon ever.


491808 Can you give me the admin? I want to try to find some breaches in the site.

On a side note, have you tried typing the konami code on the site?

Of course, that's the whole point of this group.


491837 Okay, but do not leave the group, I will want to somehow do force it from user-level.

I know how to post despite being banned/actually in the group. ban me and I'll show you (this is untested btw).


491850 Go ahead?

Should they ever fix the non permanent bans, we have a workaround.




I'm curious, what do you plan on doing anyway?

Group Admin

491859 Eh, knighty apparently knows what he was doing, and I wasted half hour shitting around it.
Eh, time to fuck up somewhere else.


Fuck, wrong account.

Group Admin

491867 Deleting/upgrading members without having admin yourself.

I guess server checks for your session and blocks if you do not have privileges.


Oh God, not again.

EDIT: Lolz, this looks like two different people.



Out of curiosity, what was it exactly that you were trying to work around?

Edit: that was a fast reply.



Deleting/upgrading members without having admin yourself.

I began with the idea of adding thread without caption actually but got sidetracked.

I tried doing this before actually, multiple times, although I suppose if there were a way all the major groups would already be decimated.

The caption thing too.


491879 With editing the javascript or some external tool? You need to send post data to the ajax php with details of the deleted user, you know.

See, that is completely beyond my knowledge or skill level. I just tried messing with the address bar and editing the HTML like a noob. :rainbowlaugh:

Strangely computer code just doesn't make sense to me.


491894 Basically, data send in address bar is called GET and looks something like index.php?iam=afaggot, while the hidden data is called POST and is simply attached at the end (or somewhere) of request.
Well, it is simply at different position, actually. Still, far harder to fabricate, generally used for shit like password, fille upload and so on.

I was trying to crack fimfiction story passwords for hours yesterday in some vain hope that the code was lying encrypted in the sources. I think it might be actually, I found that fimfiction uses codes to identify keystrokes:
'a' : 65,
'b' : 66,
'c' : 67,
'd' : 68,
'e' : 69,
'f' : 70,
'g' : 71,
'h' : 72,
'i' : 73,
'j' : 74,
'k' : 75,
'l' : 76,
'm' : 77,
'n' : 78,
'o' : 79,
'p' : 80,
'q' : 81,
'r' : 82,
's' : 83,
't' : 84,
'u' : 85,
'v' : 86,
'w' : 87,
'x' : 88,
'y' : 89,
'z' : 90,
/* start number keys */
'0' : 48,
'1' : 49,
'2' : 50,
'3' : 51,
'4' : 52,
'5' : 53,
'6' : 54,
'7' : 55,
'8' : 56,
'9' : 57,
/* start the f keys */
'f1' : 112,
'f2' : 113,
'f3' : 114,
'f4' : 115,
'f5' : 116,
'f6' : 117,
'f7' : 118,
'f8' : 119,
'f9' : 120,
'f10': 121,
'f11': 122,
'f12': 123,
/* start the modifier keys */
'shift' : 16,
'ctrl' : 17,
'control' : 17,
'alt' : 18,
'option' : 18, //Mac OS key
'opt' : 18, //Mac OS key
'cmd' : 224, //Mac OS key
'command' : 224, //Mac OS key
'fn' : 255, //tested on Lenovo ThinkPad
'function' : 255, //tested on Lenovo ThinkPad
/* Misc. Keys */
'backspace' : 8,
'osxdelete' : 8, //Mac OS version of backspace
'enter' : 13,
'return' : 13, //Mac OS version of "enter"
'delete':46, //NOT THE OS X DELETE KEY!
/* Arrow keys */
'left' : 37,
'up' : 38,
'right': 39,
'down' : 40,
/* Special char keys */
'\\':220, //it's actually a \ but there's two to escape the original
Using this, I found this code elsewhere for something called tetris that actually makes an applejack appear on screen. Obviously some remnant from whatever code knighty ripped his from.


I,d,k,f,a <--- some other shit that apparently does nothing.
I also found evidence that Fimifction does +or-1 to all these codes, so perhaps you can decrypt the password using that, I wouldn't put it past knighty to keep passwords on site, he can't program group banning function after all and this would require some kind of server-side database to my knowledge. I think maybe the passwords are saved as part of the Html and then a script encrypts and decryts it into a source off of the Html coding. Then again I have no idea.

am I totally wrong?



am I totally wrong?

Kind of. Passwords and so on are stored inside mysql database on the server, you will not be access it without the database password. I am pretty sure knighty is the only one that knows it.
Passwords are sent in the aforementioned POST, so it is impossible to retrieve them (unless you sniff the packets ex. on the unprotected home wifi of user. But then again, it is too much work to do.
Also, even if you somehow obtained passwords, they are most likely encrypted, probably in md5 or something similar. So, when you type "iamafaggot" the server actually converts it to "dd418421904e1989b166972bff10dde2" and holds the password on server in this same form. Upon logging, server compares it to hashed entry in base. So, even if you got hash and entered it as password, server would encrypt already encrypted hash, in this case it would remake "dd418421904e1989b166972bff10dde2" into "6977e859dc8d471bd61be083794cce65" and compare it to "dd418421904e1989b166972bff10dde2" in database, resulting in mismatch and rejection.
Uff, that was long.

lol I'm such a noob, I thought as much anyway.

There remains just one more thing to do now:
Invite some poor sap and pawn the group off on him.


491942 Does this count?

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