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Throughout the 5 seasons, the Mane 6 have had made various mental breakdowns, but is there evidence some suffer from a personality disorder?

Can you relate to their struggles?

I don't think this video tries to prove they are crazy, just that they have struggles that many can identify with.

4975724 Well to be perfectly blunt, EVERYONE has mental issues if you look at a DSM and browse through symptoms you exhibit. I guarantee you'll technically qualify for at least two or three conditions or disorders. The initial question far to vague to not invite some manner of poking over it. :derpytongue2:

Beyond that, they're more or less average people with their own personal strengths and weaknesses. It's one of the things that does make them so endearing. Almost everyone can relate to at least one of their issues at some point in their lives. We've all had moments of paranoia, obsessing over the inconsequential, fallen prey to a vice, etc. Most of us have even experienced a moment of most of them at some point.

I need food. :moustache:

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