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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Should be the same times as the last one, so 6:30 pm GMT/1:30 pm EST/10:30 am PST.

Don't really know much about this one other then that we're going into it with the Doctor, Donna, and a highly caffeinated Tardis! Haven't watched any previews.

I think my prediction for the next two episodes will be that the timeless child gets mentioned at some point, and maybe the watch.

--Sweetie Belle

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Well, that was terrifying...

--Sweetie Belle

I know, right? Was a great episode

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Though I have a feeling reactions will go both ways, because whether horror works for you can be pretty personal, and some people are put off by bad CGI. I personally started Doctor Who when the monsters were green bubble wrap, so cheesy effects are kinda a bonus to me...

I personally would rate it higher than last weeks episode, though, and I did like that one, too.

--Sweetie Belle

Group Admin


I was so sure this was going to be Vast-aligned bc of the title and the size and the everything but no!! It's Stranger! It's so incredibly Stranger, the body horror, the paranoia, the everything. I want to kiss it. I want to devour it whole. Every scene in this was solid gold, and terrifying, and brilliant. I think this is the closest thing TV Who has ever had to Scherzo. I turned out the lights to watch it to heighten the experience, and. Yeah. Experience heightened.

Now, the CGI was... a bit shoddy, I will grant. However. That kind of heightened it for me? I dunno. I adore body horror.

The design of everything else was incredible, though! The ship, obviously, big and clean and gorgeous and SO confusing. The captain was an anthro pony, so, automatic W there. The robot was cute too. ALSO a friend pointed out that the captain looks like a knight and the robot looks like a pawn. It's a slow-moving strategy where the pawn makes it to the end of the board and ascends. It's chess. Possibly a hint of the Toymaker's influence?

Other points: I have no idea what they're going to do with mavity but I'm very interested in finding out. I have no idea what they're going to do with the Flux references but I'm very interested in finding out. I have no idea what they're going to do with the spilled salt but I'm very interested in finding out.

Last week I mentioned that I was going to reserve judgement until the end of the trilogy, but this? This is a 10/10 all by itself. Very very scary, I was scared. But also, the interactions between the Doctor and Donna? Gorgeous. Fantastic. And again, very Scherzo!

Group Admin

Cursed theory:
If the TARDIS came back before the ship exploded, that means she wasn't actually running away from the explosion. I mean, why would she, she's been in exploding ships before and she was fine.

So that means she was running from the edge of the universe. Except if that were the case, she wouldn't have been able to come back, because the edge of the universe is still there. So she must have been running from the Not-Things.

Because, as established, it takes time for the Not-Things to learn how to copy things. They need to study you, read you, before they can become you. The TARDIS coming back at the eleventh hour meant they didn't have that opportunity.

This does mean that without the HADS, there would have been a Not-TARDIS, and I think that would be the actual scariest monster in all of Doctor Who.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

That would've been pretty bad. I was glad to have a mention of the HADS, too, as it's been a while.

This episode has pretty much set in my mind as a classic at this point. I'm really glad that for this episode, we had the Doctor and Donna, too...

--Sweetie Belle

Can we talk about the fact that the captain was a HORSE?!

DID Russell give bringer a small nod there?

Also the whole nothing thing...I wonder how they would work in the pony universe? They said they acted that way from the wa and terrible things that drifted to them. In mlp universe...would they be better?

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