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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Looking forward to actually seeing the Sea Devils! Think there's any chance we'll get the Doctor and the Master sword fighting again?

--Sweetie Belle


I stopped watching new episodes half way through the Tesla episode but I’m going to try and watch this

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Might as well. It is the first time we've had Sea Devils in a long time, and we're right at the end of Jodi's era anyways. Couldn't hurt to watch the last episode or two before the show gets soft rebooted again.

If you decide to watch anything beyond where you got to, but don't want to watch everything, my suggestions would be "Fugitive of the Jadoon", "The Haunting of Villa Diodati", and "Eve of the Daleks". Jo Martin was good in Fugitive. Haunting is still a favorite of Jodi's era, with great atmosphere, and I'd like to see the writer return to Doctor Who in the future. With Eve, well, it's Daleks and a time loop. It's fun.

--Sweetie Belle

My thoughts exactly the Sea Devils are one of my favourite classic monsters I love that they’re sticking to the original design for them and meeting Madame Ching Shih.

Not gonna lie what little I’ve heard about Eve isn’t great but I did enjoy the first New Year special So I might check it out with Haunting as I’ve heard nothing about it.

“Fugitive” probably not. The Judoon are one of my favourite modern series species and Jo Martin’s role is one of the few good good things I’ve heard nothing but good things about and from a brief clip I’ve seen she’s okay, but I’m sorry I do NOT like Chibnell messing with classic regen cycle at all it’s a pet peeve I can’t turn off (admittedly I’m more then likely a hypocrite because I love John Hurt’s War Doctor but I’d say different circumstances are in play).

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Yeah, the original "The Sea Devils" serial was great! Though, of course, for that one, you had Jon Pertwee and Roger Delgato bouncing off of each other, and I'll never grow tired of them. Not to mention that Jo Grant was a great companion.

There were a few things that bothered me on Eve, but I generally remember having fun with it. I do, admittedly, love time loops, so your mileage may vary.

I can understand if you don't want to watch Fugitive. Jo Martin just kinda hit all the checkmarks for me for things I'd like to see in the Doctor. Her Tardis had this great updated classic look to it, and she doesn't use a sonic. I'm so sick of the sonic as a crutch for the Doctor. She had a no nonsense attitude, and when she was the Doctor, she was the Doctor, if you know what I mean. I'd have been happy with a few seasons of her.

I might've been happier if she'd been the 2.5 Doctor, and I think Chibnell largely wasted where he could've gone with Timeless Children, but I can deal with it. I actually kinda wish we could go down the route Loki did, and have variant Doctors. I actually like, for example, the Curse of Fatal Death Doctors (and Master). Just say that they are Doctors from aborted timelines that now never happened or something.

Of course, technically, the classic regeneration cycle's already been messed with, since it seems like the Valeyard never happened. That's one of these things I'd actually like to see dealt with on the show at some point. (Though, honestly, it'd be terribly funny if they just went and regenerated Jodi's Doctor into the Valeyard...)

--Sweetie Belle

Comment posted by Fullmetal Prime deleted Apr 4th, 2022


Yeah Pertwee is easily my favourite of the Classic Doctors

Like I said Martin’s the only thing I’ve heard nothing but praise for and yeah if she was from an aborted or alternate timeline I’d be less frustrated, heck most Whooves stories on this site use the idea.

Yeah the Valeyard was a mess I know that much but I also they missed an opportunity to have Jodie face that idea since it was supposed to happen around DR 13

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