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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Now that we're into 2022, it's time to watch "Eve of the Daleks", or it will be tonight, anyways.

I know people are hoping it'll wrap up some of the stuff in Flux. Personally, at this point, I'm kinda just accepting that the threads in Flux won't be wrapped up neatly, and am hoping for a nice, light mostly self contained "Groundhogs day with Daleks" story. The premise does sound like a lot of fun, and it'll suck if it doesn't get enough time to play out because they also want to address Bel and Vinders child, tote out Kate Stewart and the Grand Serpent again, and have the Doctor playing with her watch some more.

Though if they decide to resolve the time loop by erasing most of the events of Flux, I'm okay with that...

Anyways, as usual, this thread's for discussing "Eve of the Daleks". This and two more specials1, then the next new Doctor Who episodes we'll be talking about will be RTD's!

--Sweetie Belle

  1. I think?
SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Still waiting for Eve to show up in the US, but the next episode's been announced, and it's "Legend of the Sea Devils"!

Here's a promo shot.

It's been a long time since we've seen Sea Devils in Doctor Who. They are looking pretty good!

Apparently it's 50 years since the first Sea Devil episode, too, so it's a good time to bring them back...

--Sweetie Belle

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Finally got to watch it.

All in all, I liked it. Time loops are interesting. Ending felt kinda rushed, but it's hardly the first time I've felt like that.

Nick felt a little off to me. I never totally let go of the idea that he might've been some sort of serial killer keeping momentos or something, and I don't know that that was intended.

I did enjoy the Dalek saying "I am not Nick.". After all, the voice of the Daleks is Nicholas Briggs...

Was not really expecting the developments with Yaz, but I'm on board, though when there was actually time to develop it would've been better.

Rather liked Dan and the Dalek, too.

Anyways, good episode, and it could probably be watched without Flux, for anyone that skipped Flux. I'll be interested to see what they do with the Sea Devil one when it comes around...

--Sweetie Belle

Well, I only just saw the special (was trying to play a bit of catch up on Flux), and I have to say, it's both better and worse than I was expecting.

I like the new Dalek weaponry. Always nice to see some new stuff there, although the efficiency is something to be desired. Other than that, I thought the Daleks themselves were good.

The new characters of Sarah and Nick were okay. I liked Sarah, thought she was lovely. Nick was giving me some slight Norman Bates vibes, but he was nice in the end, so I'll let it slide. I did somewhat want Jeff to make an appearance. And what do you know, Karl is back! You know, Karl, that important character from the start of 13's run? (Why was he here?)

As for our returning cast, Dan was great. I really haven't had any problems with him yet, and hope that none come up. Yaz getting some development was a shock, thought she would stay barely characterized. And it being a development on her feelings for the Doctor? Great, all for it. Hopefully it will be better than the fanfics. As for the Doctor herself, wow, she actually got a speech. It's about time. Other than that, not much to say about her. As usual with 13, I like her well enough, think Jodie's pretty good, and that's about it.

And those effects on the Tardis, just beautiful. That's been one of the more consistent things of Chibnall's era, some pretty good effects. Nothing but good things to say about them.

Finally, the writing. Again, as usual with this era, there were great concepts, great setups, and even some genuinely good moments throughout, but a few inconsistencies, plotholes, contrivances, and bits of discontinuity. Honestly though, I think this was one of the better 13th Doctor episodes. A good little stand alone adventure with some Daleks, just turn off your inner critic and enjoy type of stuff. Really, I can't say too much bad about something like that. We need little adventures like that every once in a while.

Overall, I did like this one. It's good, fun, and you don't need to see previous episodes to really get the main story. What's not to like?

Finally, I can't wait for the next special. The Sea Devils were always one of my favorites, and their two appearances (well, that weren't hallucinations or some other thing) made for some of my favorite classic stories. I hope they do the fellows justice.

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