Doctor Whooves 1,806 members · 553 stories
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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

So... story goes that the very first script Russel T Davies wrote for Doctor Who was for Colin Baker and Mel, and around a year ago, he showed on twitter that he'd found it.

A year later, looks like it went to Big Finish!

It's going to be available March 2022, and went up for preorder:

In the depths of space, the mysterious Hodiac is manipulating the Galactic Stock Exchange to raise money. His aim? To hire mercenaries for a deadly quest across the stars.

Meanwhile, on Earth, an ordinary British family is plagued by a series of psychic events.

The one thing connecting these events is a magnificent patchwork coat – which just so happens to belong to the Doctor!

And, yes, that is T'Nia Miller in the cast there.

Thought that it might be of interest, anyways...

--Sweetie Belle

I'd love to get the Big Finish stuff. But I don't know where to start 😞.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Maybe "Spare Parts"? 5th Doctor and Nyssa, think "Genesis of the Cybermen". Critically acclaimed, predates "World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls" and may have partially inspired them. It's old, too, so it costs $2.99.

--Sweetie Belle

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