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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

When the last episode of Flux went up, they also dropped the trailer for the first New Year's special, which is Genesis Eve of the Daleks.

The trailer actually looks interesting, like we're mixing Groundhog's Day with Daleks killing you at the end of each loop. I'm not sure how we can have a Dalek special after the end of Flux killed off all the Daleks, but the trailer looks good, new years isn't too far off, and hopefully it'll be a fun special I can sit down and watch. :unsuresweetie:

--Sweetie Belle

Automatic auto guns of the Daleks looked interesting but clearly the Daleks are insane.

I'm not sure how we can have a Dalek special after the end of Flux killed off all the Daleks

Have you watched the show? Especially since the first RTD era? They do that about once a season or so anymore and they still keep coming back.

Made me think of "Death to the Daleks", back in the Classic era where they had to replace their normal egg whisk blasters with machine guns due to 'energy drain'. Not the same, of course, but it brought it to mind.

Oh yeah I know that episode it was with the third doctor.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

I do know they usually come back eventually. It's not usually in the very next episode, though...

--Sweetie Belle

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