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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Well, time for this weeks episode! Next episode is called "Once, Upon Time", and no, no words are missing.

Sounds like the B plot of last episode is becoming the A plot of the next episode. I'm interested to see where we go from here (and what happens to Yaz). Of course, I think every episode will have a cliffhanger in Flux.

--Sweetie Belle

Group Admin

Well, that sure was something. Arguably, that was several things. Something that seems to be becoming bit of a pattern this season is the TARDIS crew being scattered across time and space to deal with their own issues, which is interesting and means that there are more stories being told, but it can be a little difficult to follow if it's not done well. I think they managed to pull it off fairly well.

The Doctor's story was... interesting. I think I understand more or less what happened, and what the immediate conflict in that memory concerned, but the ramifications for what's going to happen are a little murky. The 'war between time and space' sounds cool, but I have no real clue what it means. I think that 'time' in this context could be better described as 'entropy', and the Mouri are sort of... putting it into the universe on a slow drip? That's my best guess, anyway. Also, Jo Martin's back! Yay! And now there's a new strange lady who knows more about the Doctor than the Doctor herself does! ...Not yay.

Yaz's story was probably the least impressive, but then again, it also took up the least screentime. The Weeping Angel following her into the TARDIS was wild, I'm very interested to see what comes of that next episode. (Although, please, Chibnall... give the TARDIS a break. She's gone through so much already this series.)

Dan's story was perhaps the most difficult to follow. The Victorian guy came back, and we learned slightly more about what his deal is. Diana is trapped in the Passenger because Dan didn't meet her for their date. The mites erase things from the universe. It was interesting, but kind of disjointed.

Vinder's story was the most straightforward, and I just really enjoyed it. I can always appreciate a guy who stands up for his principles and morals over individuals.

Bel's story, similar note, she's just a badass. I didn't need the romance subplot, but it's nice that the two new characters are at least cool. I really hope that Chibbers doesn't pull a Leela/Andred and retcon them into being the Doctor's parents.

I appreciate that the Doctor is really just getting nasty. She's trying to figure out her own past and being perpetually frustrated, and that frustration is manifesting in lashing out at her friends. Very interesting dynamics developing on the TARDIS.

Very curious to see where the overarching plot goes next. They've managed to repair Time, but that doesn't seem to have undone the damage to the universe. Reality is properly buggered up now, and I can't wait to see how the Doctor fixes it.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Yeah, understand roughly what was going on, but that was rather confusing. I like actual time related things happening on Doctor Who, though.

I think the old lady was Atropos, just at a guess.

I was happy to see Jo Martin, though I feel like she wasn't there enough.

With Bel, I kept feeling like she was talking to one of those emoji nanite things from Smile until the end. Did like Vinder's story. Early on, I was feeling like they might have written him in in a spot that was intended for Jack Harkness, but it seems less likely now.

Honestly, as someone who plays video games, the Weeping Angels and video games was scary.

I will admit, Bel vs. the Cybermen gave me a "the Cybermen can't shoot straight" vibe, after the Sontarians last episode.

The Doctor really is driving everyone away, though. I wouldn't be at all surprised if she's alone when she regenerates.

Edit: Also, the pixelizing effect kept making me think that the bit rate watching it was going in and out...
--Sweetie Belle

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Just thought I'd mention, for the fates (who are known as the Moirai, which is a name they've mentioned how many times?), Clotho spun the thread of life, Lachesis measured it, then Atropos cut it, and this was her temple. We're very much doing Greek mythology here.

(Are the Ravengers the Furies?)

Maybe Bel and Vinder are the Doctor's parents? Just kinda sounds like a Chibnall thing to do...

--Sweetie Belle

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