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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Haven't watched it yet, and I still need to figure out where I'm watching it, but the first episode of series 13 is airing (right about now or just aired in the UK?), so here's a thread to discuss it in!

As usual, keep civil, and this is really for discussing the episode for people that are watching it or are going to...

(No idea why Jodi has a hammer...)

--Sweetie Belle

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

There are also some sales going on in big finish because of the new episode, btw.

A couple of 'em are $1.49, and some $3.99, $5.39, and $7.19. I see some episodes with Donna, one with Mel, one with Turlough, and others...

--Sweetie Belle

Group Admin

I am extremely confused. Intrigued, but confused. There was just. So much going on? One of my friends suggested that Chibnall made six episodes and then cut and spliced them at random, and I don't disagree. I'm not sure which Chekov's guns have been set up and which have gone off.

All that being said, I did enjoy this episode. Yaz and the Doctor arguing? Yaz calling out the Doctor, more specifically? Yaz knowing basic TARDIS work? I love. Good low-stakes drama set against the massive galactic-stakes drama. The stuff they're doing with the Division is interesting -- not sure where they're going with this, but I'm curious to know more. Just the fact that it's not a strictly Time-Lord-based operation has fascinating implications.

Dan seems to be a good character. I respect a history lover and soup kitchen volunteer. There doesn't seem to be much depth to him, admittedly, but I do find him funny.

The alien designs and SFX works were great. Loved the Sontarans, very classic Who, and the invasion of the puppy people was a great reveal. Swarm and his... sister, I think he said? They look very cool, love the crystal growth. Not sure about the whole bit where they were the Master before the Master was, but with the whole erased memory bit, it does make sense, narratively speaking. I wonder if they'll bring back Jo Martin this series.

That's all my thoughts at the moment, fresh off of watching it. I think I'm going to have to watch it again to try and make sense of it. I also don't think I can give this any kind of ranking, yet? This feels like it's going to be a series-long multiparter, so I'm going to just hold off until the end for my judgement. There are just too many unanswered questions. Who was the chili man in the Arctic? Why was he married to Swarm's sister? What's with all the TARDIS doors? The Weeping Angels? 1820 guy? I have no idea what's happening, I have 0 expectations, I am purely along for the ride.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

I just watched it, and I am, indeed, very confused as well. I had subtitles on, and having the subtitles say "As 12th Doctor" and "As 7th Doctor" on the "Release" bit does my heart good, as did the Doctor having used Nitro-9.

I'm of two minds on the erased memory bit, because it also felt like it could have been a River Song-esque thing, where that was the Doctor's first encounter, but one of their last. We had that bit with Clare, too. That sort of thing, where the Doctor meets people out of order should happen more often.

The Tardis really feels like it's breaking down. And when the Cloister Bell is ringing, you know it isn't good.

This feels like something I'm going to need to rewatch, probably after seeing some of the episodes afterwards.

I'm interested to see where this takes us, anyways. The Swarm was certainly scary.

--Sweetie Belle

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Forgot to mention: "Nice to meet you, Dan. Run for your life!" gave me such nostalgia for the 9th Doctor.

Curious about Vinder, too...

--Sweetie Belle

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